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Stropping between passes?

I started using a straight about a month ago and I have run into a problem. I'm finding on my second pass the shave is noticeably less smooth and the blade starts wanting to skip. I've considered that the blade may be getting dull but my first pass is still fine so I don't think that is it. So, tomorrow I'm gonna try stropping between passes.

What do you guys think about stropping between passes? and about how long do you go between honing your blades, with regular use?
Personally I don't strop between passes. Is there any chance you are going in a different direction on the 2nd pass ---maybe XTG instead of WTG like your first pass. I ask because it could be that your technique is different or maybe your angle and pressure are off on the 2nd pass.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Personally I don't strop between passes. Is there any chance you are going in a different direction on the 2nd pass ---maybe XTG instead of WTG like your first pass. I ask because it could be that your technique is different or maybe your angle and pressure are off on the 2nd pass.


You might need to do a few extra laps before the first pass...
I am going a different direction. So my fist pass is composed of N-S and E-W strokes and my second pass is S-N and W-E strokes, and then get any patches on clean up. I struggled with how to hold the razor for the S-N strokes for a good week or so and then I found a way that seems to work; I hold it with two fingers on the edge side of the shank, my ring finger on the edge side of the tang, my pinkie between the tang and the scale, and my thumb on the spine to stabilize and add pressure if needed.

How do you guys hold it for those passes?

and I'll strop longer tomorrow and put off stropping between passes
I would say how you are holding it is fine. On that particular pass if it is comfortable, then stick with it. However, the angle and the pressure are probably the culprits in this case. Sounds like you are basically doing an against the grain pass on your 2nd pass. I find when I am doing my ATG pass my angle is completely different than my WTG. WTG I use close to a 20-30 degree angle, but ATG I use a 5 degree angle. Sometimes ATG the blade is almost flush/flat with my skin. I also have to watch myself and make sure I don't use too much pressure or the blade will skip. Try a little different angle on this pass and use very little pressure and I think you find your efforts will get better results!!!
Good luck and keep us posted
Alright, I'll try a tighter angle and keep my touch delicate tomorrow and if it still wants to skip I think I'll start trying out some different ways of holding it. I hadn't even seen that page over at SRP but I don't spend much time over there. Thanks and I'll keep you guys posted.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
That page helped me a lot, I used to hold my razor like a Japanese razor to go ATG... I don't anymore as those grips are more confortable!
So many factors go into edge retention, such as density of beard, angle, how sharp the razor was to start with, angle of the edge, etc.

But generally, you should be able to get at least 1 month of shaves without having to hone the razor. 6 months to a year is attainable with good stropping with leather & linen/cloth.

Saw you were in AZ, but googled where you are and you are very very far away. Way down by the border...with Mexico! If you ever come up to Phoenix, shoot me a pm.
So many factors go into edge retention, such as density of beard, angle, how sharp the razor was to start with, angle of the edge, etc.

But generally, you should be able to get at least 1 month of shaves without having to hone the razor. 6 months to a year is attainable with good stropping with leather & linen/cloth.

Saw you were in AZ, but googled where you are and you are very very far away. Way down by the border...with Mexico! If you ever come up to Phoenix, shoot me a pm.

Thanks for the info. And yeah I'm pretty far down here, but I'll definitely shoot you a pm if I go up there, though thinking about it I haven't been up to Phoenix in a couple of years.
Where did you get your razor and was it shave ready when you bought it? How do you maintain your edge beyond your strop? I don't think you can just shave and strop your blade between shaves for a month without the addition of some other polisher, like a hard pasted strop or barbers hone.

If you have a really tough beard, like I do, you might need to go beyond the strop after 6 to 10 shaves. I can't make it past 6 and then I use my hard balsa strop.

Where did you get your razor and was it shave ready when you bought it? How do you maintain your edge beyond your strop? I don't think you can just shave and strop your blade between shaves for a month without the addition of some other polisher, like a hard pasted strop or barbers hone.

If you have a really tough beard, like I do, you might need to go beyond the strop after 6 to 10 shaves. I can't make it past 6 and then I use my hard balsa strop.


I got my razor on ebay (I know bad idea) from undream22 he described his honing it to shave ready pretty well and had over 500 positive feedback, so I trusted it and it was a pretty good deal to boot. I wanted to get one on the B/S/T but I always missed the deals.

As far as stropping I use a Thiers-Issard Double-Sided Sharpening Strop from Classic Shaving with Dovo red paste on one side. I noticed a big difference in the smoothness of my shaves using the pasted side also, so I typically strop with the pasted side as well.

I've got hones but I'm not confident enough with them to use them on my shaving razor yet. So when I do get it honed I'll have a Meister do it, up until I can get a vintage blade up to buttery smooth.
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