I received a garlic press yesterday which got me thinking about a presumption I've had that stainless steel razors tend to cost more than other razors because of the added costs involved in the material and/or labour involved in working with it.
The garlic press is stainless steel and admittedly I have no idea what grade but presumably it would be one that has decent rust resistant and durability given it's application lifetime warranty) - and weighs about 450g. It's unclear whether it's just the handles that are SS or the whole thing - but if it's only the handles, I would have to guess they weigh at least 150g. The press is made by a well known manufacturer and appears to be very high quality and is nicely designed and polished. There are also other materials involved such as rubber grips and plastic inlays so it's not simply cast or machined and polished and they're done.
It sells for $25 and has the appearance of a very high end product (i.e. excellent finishing).
I appreciate that there are all sorts of factors involved in setting prices such as, the size of the market, efficiencies of production (economies of scale), market demand, research and engineering, material and labour costs etc.
But it did make me wonder why there generally seems to be a pretty significant disparity between most SS razors and non-SS razors.
This thread is not intended to inflame - I own two SS razors which I'm quite pleased with. I'm really wondering if I may be missing something here.
The garlic press is stainless steel and admittedly I have no idea what grade but presumably it would be one that has decent rust resistant and durability given it's application lifetime warranty) - and weighs about 450g. It's unclear whether it's just the handles that are SS or the whole thing - but if it's only the handles, I would have to guess they weigh at least 150g. The press is made by a well known manufacturer and appears to be very high quality and is nicely designed and polished. There are also other materials involved such as rubber grips and plastic inlays so it's not simply cast or machined and polished and they're done.
It sells for $25 and has the appearance of a very high end product (i.e. excellent finishing).
I appreciate that there are all sorts of factors involved in setting prices such as, the size of the market, efficiencies of production (economies of scale), market demand, research and engineering, material and labour costs etc.
But it did make me wonder why there generally seems to be a pretty significant disparity between most SS razors and non-SS razors.
This thread is not intended to inflame - I own two SS razors which I'm quite pleased with. I'm really wondering if I may be missing something here.