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SRAD . Waning

My once acute case SRAD has been been in remission - with the exception of kamisoris - for well over a year now. So I consider reducing my rotation dramatically. I can't imagine parting with many razors so I envision rotating razors slowly in and out of the active rotation.

For those of you have found SRAD less irresistible, have you sold your excess or consigned them to storage?
I have got mine down from about 20 to 6 right now. Good luck. I still buy one from time to time but not like I once did.
I have to only been able to part with my basic user grade razors. Anything that I sought out, remains. Some of which have sat for years. Just cant part with them. Not strong enough to let go.
Henry, there is no cure for any type of AD, you are only in remission and will most likely relapse.

Is that a medical diagnosis Doc???

I often wonder how many ADs can one man have?? :scared:

as for the razors themselves, I've given a few of the entry level razors away as PIFs (and some are as sentimental as the higher end razors) , but I can't see getting rid of many I sought out either.... not at this time. Granted, they may not be used as often as others, but something spoke to me with each... and all those voices in my head are hard to dismiss! LOL
I'm at a loss here as I don't understand the term " excess razors". Considering this hobby,, isn't everything an excess? If I can have one,, I need ten,, if I have ten I need 100.

Really,, we should be able to get away with one,, maybe two razors,, a puck or two of soap. Does anyone really do this?
Have to admit,, I don't think I do.
Just recently for a birthday gift I gave away a Geneva. I have quite a few of them already,, but I miss that razor and agonized over my choice to give him. It was like Sophie's Choice.

Antique Hoosier

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way.......

I will, from time to time buy a razor...
I have a bunch of razors (7 or 8 I think, that's how often I rotate) and I tend to use one for a while, then put it in storage and move on to the next. SRAD is pretty non-existant for me now unless it's something special; a worked spine, great gold work, etc etc. They all shave pretty much the same anyway so, personally, I don't see much point in owning dozens of 6/8 hollow grinds et al
Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way.......

I will, from time to time buy a razor(or 12)...
Short answer..................All of them

we should be able to get away with one,, maybe two razors,, a puck or two of soap. Does anyone really do this?

I did for many years.... then i found B&B and trust me, I've MORE than made up for the lost years without the ADs LMAO

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way.......

I will, from time to time buy a razor...

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I try and keep around 7 to 10 razors on hand for use. I keep the best and sell the rest. I have no problem selling most razor, there are a few I would not part with.
Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way.......

I will, from time to time buy a razor...

Now I'll have that in my head for 3 days. Thankfully it's a good one.
I have a baby on the way so I'm moving to a support role on B&B. with over 30 razors in rotation, I'm good for a while. I hope. I have one in the mail a Le Grelot and enough software to last for years. So any honing needs around Atlanta, GA I can help. I only use coti's and I don't hone mangled razors.
Now I'll have that in my head for 3 days. Thankfully it's a good one.

lol David, only question is.... do you have the classic Sinatra version mulling through your head, or Sid Viscious'

alas, I've got Sid swimmin in my head LOL

Apologies to Frank (and his devotees lol), ..but I had to. :punk:
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I'm in a similar position, in that I finally got all 13 of my razors honed, and have been rotating through them. I have since bought 4 more, and really, I don't want to just start stocking razors that would go unused, when there are so many B&Bers who might enjoy them. Contemplating a sale, or maybe a PIF or two. Or maybe hoarding...
Nice to know I am in good company. Though it doesn't get used often, I can't see parting with this for any reasonable price.


Or this at an unreasonable price:


Oh, and I should dust this one off.


Damn SRAD! :001_wub:
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