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SQ #2: Recommended time to stay with WTG to allow technique to settle?

Hello all again,

Is there a generally accepted time to stick with WTG passes to allow your technique to normalize and settle in?

I know... "it depends."

Normal learning curve stuff starts to set in about 7 iterations. So, being conservative... 21 shaves or so?

Or until you go nuts with wanting to move on?

Do you all have suggestions or guidance???

The more you use it the better. But dont hurt yourself. Tricky angles and strokes will become easier as time goes on as will the way you hold it.
I don't think you need to wait 21 shaves. I myself went for ATG on my 3'rd shave. Not that you have to. Going XTG is plenty and even 2 WTG passes will get you nice results with a sharp blade.
The only way you'll learn it is to do it. Just try it when you feel ready. You'll be fine. You don't have to do a full ATG pass, you can start in short increments.
Yeah, I'm not in any hurry.

This is a journey not a destination.

People say 100 shaves to get "competent." So that means about New Years.

No worries. Like I told my daughter "You need to fall off 12 times to learn to ride your bike. The more you ride it, the sooner you'll fall off and complete your 12."

Well, SHE believed it anyway. And was proud when it was only 3.



I’m stumped
I started my first shave thinking it would be cheeks only but done a full 3 pass shave WTG, XTG & ATG.
go at your own speed. Just relax and enjoy the learning curve.
If you are standing in front of the mirror with a loaded brush and blood isn't running down your face after the WTG pass, what else ya gonna do?
Probably WTG in two passes, for everyday shaving is all you need. I have been on that for more than three years. Previously, when I was just another Gillette victim I would make numerous agressive passes in all directions. My face looks younger now.
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