Glad you think so John! I always enjoy serving this to people who's experience with dark rums is solely guided by a swashbuckling corporate icon. Usually they're instantly appreciative, even with drinks that tend to mask the flavor of such lesser rums.
I always try to avoid that icon. I remember many outstanding rums while in Tortolla years ago, but sadly I do not remember any names. Well, except for Pussers, which is required for Pain Killers.
[I'm trying to put together a daiquiri classic cocktails, Mai Tais may be next on my list if I can get them both out this month, but I'd like to include "Hemingway style" daiquiris and so in both cases, they call for ingredients I don't usually keep around. Hopefully I can get around to it -- real Mai Tais are such a wonderful summer treat, and another example of a drink that's been regrettably over-fruitified by the masses.[/QUOTE]
Mai Tais are fun because there are so many different, but equally good versions.