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Speick, smells great. And that's about it.

I've really been looking forward to trying some of the more unique scented creams lately. Shaverjoe offered me a sampler of different things I haven't tried yet, and so far, I'm VERY glad he did!

First I decided to try Speick. Both before and after lathering up, it smelled terrific. There's a citrus, bergamot and maybe lemon scent to it, and some other things I can't completely identify. But it's definitely a masculine, great smelling scent. So...then I decided to lather it. Honestly, the lather consistency at first seemed to be similar to KMF. But KMF can have a nice thick consistency to it, if you work the lather the right way. Speick on the other hand, tended to stay a wetter lather, and didn't lather right at all with less water.

First try, the lather seemed okay at first, but started fading and falling apart after putting it on. So...I washed it off and started over. This time I was VERY careful getting the ratio and consistency just right. It held up this time, but ended up rather thin and wet, much like I would want to do if I was straight shaving. But I wasn't, and I wanted fluffy santa claus lather. And Speick wasn't going to give it to me.

Anyways, I finished up the shave and it was decent, but not that impressive. Smelled absolutely terrific, and left my skin feeling pretty soft and smooth, but not much else. I'm definitely glad I got to try before I buy, because I like nice smelling scents, but performance is key for me. I guess I'll have to pick up some of the splash instead.

Anybody else had an experience like this, or was I just in the twilight zone tonight?
I've really been looking forward to trying some of the more unique scented creams lately. Shaverjoe offered me a sampler of different things I haven't tried yet, and so far, I'm VERY glad he did!

First I decided to try Speick. Both before and after lathering up, it smelled terrific. There's a citrus, bergamot and maybe lemon scent to it, and some other things I can't completely identify. But it's definitely a masculine, great smelling scent. So...then I decided to lather it. Honestly, the lather consistency at first seemed to be similar to KMF. But KMF can have a nice thick consistency to it, if you work the lather the right way. Speick on the other hand, tended to stay a wetter lather, and didn't lather right at all with less water.

First try, the lather seemed okay at first, but started fading and falling apart after putting it on. So...I washed it off and started over. This time I was VERY careful getting the ratio and consistency just right. It held up this time, but ended up rather thin and wet, much like I would want to do if I was straight shaving. But I wasn't, and I wanted fluffy santa claus lather. And Speick wasn't going to give it to me.

Anyways, I finished up the shave and it was decent, but not that impressive. Smelled absolutely terrific, and left my skin feeling pretty soft and smooth, but not much else. I'm definitely glad I got to try before I buy, because I like nice smelling scents, but performance is key for me. I guess I'll have to pick up some of the splash instead.

Anybody else had an experience like this, or was I just in the twilight zone tonight?

Twilight zone. Sorry it didn't work for you. I get great, stable lather with Speick. And you are right, the scent is awesome.
Try again. I get nothing but consistently great lather with Speick stick and cream.

FYI the splash doesn't smell like the cream imo. Maybe a little. The splash is a very mild scent. The balm smells identical to the cream and has serious staying power.
I've never had a problem lathering any cream which is why is strikes me as odd. Does it lather up for you about the same way as Proraso or Cella does, or does it require a "sweet" spot that I'm missing with the amount of water?
It lathered easily for me. I can bring you another sample if you like. The splash has a lemony scent to me. I have not tried the balm but if it smells like the cream, then it is going on my "to get" list.
I haven't used the Speick cream for a while, but I don't recall the ASB smelling like the cream.

The cream has a light lavender scent with the herbal scent of the speick plant (valerian) under it.

The ASB is lemony.

The AS is slightly lemony with a spicy/herbal body.
It lathered easily for me. I can bring you another sample if you like. The splash has a lemony scent to me. I have not tried the balm but if it smells like the cream, then it is going on my "to get" list.

Yeah, balm sounds good to me too. But yeah I guess I can give the cream another try. I've been using soaps a lot more lately, but then again, I used KMF twice and C.O. Bigelow within the last week and didn't have any issues. I really dunno.
I hope so too. Smells really great. Actually had some decent glide too, just couldn't get any cushion at all out of it.
I find Speick cream to be a little more finicky with the water ratio than say Proraso or Palmolive. A slightly tricky product, but I entirely agree on the scent, wonderful smelling stuff.
I will agree Speick scent is amazing. I can't speak for the cream, but the shaving soap is great. I have the body soap, shave soap and aftershave. Makes for a great day plus SWMBO loves it. But enough praise.

If you can't get on with Speick, maybe try Musgo Real. I also own their entire line up (body soap/cream/aftershave) and SWMBO also very much likes it. It is also the only cream I have every tried that I bought a whole tube/tub and will buy again (unless they make a decent hard soap)
My last tube of Speick cream, I'm having the same issue with lather. I've never had an issue before, always a preferred cream. But this current tube I have, I can't get it to lather for anything. Sits in the bottom of the bowl getting looser as I add more water, but never develops any further. Granted I like a more yogurt-like consistency rather than fluff, but I can't even get that. I think I got a dud tube.
That's pretty much the same as happened to me. But it can't be the tube in my case, because it came from Joe's tube of Speick and he hasn't had any problems with it. I think maybe the Speick sensed my big decanted bottle of Veg and curled up and died! :blink:
I did something I normally don't do. I bought Speick soap, aftershave, and the shaving creme.
The aftershave works very well and my sensitive skin did just fine.
The soap was average, nothing exceptional.
The shaving creme was better than average I thought. Not a thick lather.
The only thing I did not like is the smell did not last more than 30 minutes tops. Too bad, because it is a nice smell according to my wife and I liked it too.
I can't say anything about Speick cream since I haven't used it. I have used Speick stick, however. It is meant to be face lathered since it is in stick form. With face lathering, the water ratio seems to be self-regulated or something. Anyway, the stick lathers great and performs great. If you like the scent and are having trouble with the cream, try the stick.
When I've used Speick, it's been a consistent performer. No complaints here. Try using more cream - I do recall it's easy to get too loose. And start with a drier brush than normal, work into a thick, pasty, tight lather, and then gradually add water to get your desired consistency. It's one of those creams that if you get too much water to it in the beginning, it never quite recovers.
Not sure if this helps anyone but I noticed that the Speick cream will solidify when it's hot and becomes creamy when it's cooler. When I first received my tube it was VERY solid and wouldnt even come out of the tube (the package was sitting in a hot mailbox for hours). A few hours later that evening I came back to it and it was creamy again after sitting in my downstairs bathroom.

In fact, I'm now reading on the box that the tube came in, it does in fact say that the cream solidifies at peak summer temperatures over 30C/86F. Here's a crappy screenshot:

When I've used Speick, it's been a consistent performer. No complaints here. Try using more cream - I do recall it's easy to get too loose. And start with a drier brush than normal, work into a thick, pasty, tight lather, and then gradually add water to get your desired consistency. It's one of those creams that if you get too much water to it in the beginning, it never quite recovers.

Sounds like good advice. I'll get a hold of some more next week and give it another shot.
Not sure if this helps anyone but I noticed that the Speick cream will solidify when it's hot and becomes creamy when it's cooler. When I first received my tube it was VERY solid and wouldnt even come out of the tube (the package was sitting in a hot mailbox for hours). A few hours later that evening I came back to it and it was creamy again after sitting in my downstairs bathroom.

In fact, I'm now reading on the box that the tube came in, it does in fact say that the cream solidifies at peak summer temperatures over 30C/86F. Here's a crappy screenshot:

View attachment 277392

Wow...that's odd. I'm pretty sure I didn't use too hot or too cold water. I do know that scuttles can have really adverse effects on lather, and maybe this explains a little bit why.
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