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Speick edc CONUS PIF!

A fellow B&Ber PIFed me a bottle of Speick cologne (practically full), warning me that it doesn't smell like the cream or the aftershave. He was right--it doesn't! I detect old lady smell.

If you're brave enough to try it, say you're in, I'll draw from random at noon (Eastern time) tomorrow. I'll be preparing another package to ship tomorrow afternoon, so please try to check your inbox and reply in the early afternoon is possible so I can send it all out tomorrow. CONUS for ease of shipping, please. All I ask if that if you don't like it, pay it forward to another who might.
I'd enjoy trying it out. Can it really be worse then the bottle of the Veg I have in my den??? Thanks for running this!
Not worse than the Veg (a bad bottle of the Veg, anyway). But it is considerably worse than the prior formulation (which was terrific).

Don't count me in on this one - I have a bottle at home that is unloved. Although I did put some into a bottle with some Witch Hazel to see if it cuts the horrible opening . . .


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don't have many (any) splashes or colognes at the moment and would love a shot at it (US postal address)

I'm In.

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