I'm thinking about giving the Tabac scent another go. Does anyone know where they sell the aftershave balm or "soft aftershave"? All I can ever find is the regular AS. Thanks.
I'm just about to go to JR Cigar to check out the cheap stuff. If I find Tabac ASB there, I'll post the price. I go by pretty often, so it wouldn't be a problem for me to pick one up for you.
I'm thinking about giving the Tabac scent another go. Does anyone know where they sell the aftershave balm or "soft aftershave"? All I can ever find is the regular AS. Thanks.
I'm thinking about giving the Tabac scent another go. Does anyone know where they sell the aftershave balm or "soft aftershave"? All I can ever find is the regular AS. Thanks.
Here you go my friend. I order my Palmolive shave sticks from here. They carry whole shooting match of Tabac products including the balm you are looking for which happens to be on sale right now I see
So make sure you round out your order with Palmolive shave sticks & Kent shave soap (rebranded MWF) too since you only pay for flat rate shipping.
"Soft" Tabac aftershave? What's that?
JR Cigar in Manhattan?