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Sorry, stupid Newbie Question on Blades - do you keep track of which side you use?

Assuming you're talking double edge blades (since you asked about sides) it doesn't matter which side is up or down.

As to keeping track, I'm not all that rigorous but my usual routine e.g., on one cheek is something like stroke-stroke-flip-stroke-stroke-rinse repeated as I work around my face.

Edited to add: Don't worry about stupid questions, as I said in another thread where I was doing the asking: the only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.

Oh, and welcome!
Doesn't matter.

Random chance will put roughly equal wear on each cutting edge, unless you have a razor that has some kind of identifying marks that leads you to hold it one particular direction.
If that's the case, flip the head around when you shave the opposite side of your face.
When I started I'd use one side for the entire shave and then flip it over the next time I shaved. Now I just flip it when it's full of lather and rinse and flip again when both sides are full of lather. Much easier and allows me to change razors without tracking which side of the blade was used.


The wife's investment
Hi Joe,

Welcome to B&B. It doesn't really matter unless it bothers you, then simply decide whether you want the glue dots up or down and stick with what you decide.

As far as keeping track of which side I use when shaving I don't really think about it too much. Sometimes I take a stroke, turn it over, take another stroke, rinse and repeat. Other times I just take a few strokes and flip if full of lather or just rinse and then use the other edge if I feel like it. There are also some spots that when I get to my final pass or when doing touch up where I go up or down over a spot and immediately roll the razor back over the cap and return in the opposite direction over the same spot, typically in areas where whiskers grow in multiple directions.

Whatever you decide is what will work best for you. Try one way and if you like it, great, if not try another until you develop your own technique.
OK, so we're Shave Geeks. Part of being a geek about something is getting into the meticulous integracies and details of our interest. Decide how important trying to use each edge of the blade evenly is to you.

Me, I just put a blade in and start using it. Sometimes, I forget to use both sides during the shave and perhaps grunt at the realization of that. I always grunt in mild irritation when one side of the blade pulls during the shave and throw the damm thing out as soon as I'm finished.
On TTO razors I put the wax spots face down so that the blade doesn't stick to the doors. For 3-piece razors I pay less attention.


B&B's Man in Italy
No, it does not matter. Just put the blade in place and tighten it up well. Welcome to B&B, Joe. :001_smile
As others have said, it doesn't matter. Once there was so much on the blade that it oozed out to the edge. Had to open it and wipe it off, but usually it's just an annoyance.

Welcome! Enjoy your shaves!

As stated above, just wait till one side is full of cream/lather, then flip it to the other.

Or ou can alternate sides after each razor rinse.
I think that "glue" is actually paraffin, or something else that melts away in hot water. Ever notice how they are gone when you throw away the blade? Doesn't matter what that stuff touches because it won't last.
I don't pay attention to whether the wax spots are up or down. I also don't pay attention to whether or not I use both edges an equivalent number of passes. I do keep track of the total number of shaves per blade. I bought a ten pack of dice and use a die for each blade. The die follows the blade so if it switches razors, it sits under the razor it in. Presently, there is one DE and one SE blade in use, so there are only two dice deployed. I got ten dice so I can follow up to eight blade and razor combinations. This system is working well for me.


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Welcome to the Badger and Blade! Your question has been answered many times over, so I won't beat a dead horse. Questions need answers so don't be afraid to ask them!
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