Well I've been using 2 AS for the 4 months I've been straight razor shaving. Lucky Tiger Face Tonic and T&H unscented aftershave balm. Usually do the Tiger first,let it dry and then apply balm. Will usually stick to just the tonic if i do a 1 pass shave, only using the balm if i do 2 or 3 pass. I don't like much scent in my AS, if there is any I like it to fade quickly. I like the viscosity (water like) and light citrus that fades after it dries from the lucky tiger, in addition to no alcohol. Anybody have any recommendations as to what would be good to try next? Lucky tiger was a cheapo i found on amazon, i liked the reviews so i got it. No problem spending more for something. Not to say i don't like lucky tiger, i really do. I've got about 10 soaps/creams though and only 2 AS. I want to expand my AS department hehe.