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Some like Cartridges too.

And if they do I personally think they should join the B&B family too. Just gave this some thought today while out of town with my job. Today I shaved with my Gillette Fusion for the second time since starting shaving with a DE about three or four weeks ago. I usually just skip a day while out of town, since I have no travel DE. Well, today I noticed that I got a much better shave with my Fusion than I ever have in the past and I credit this to all that I have learned from B&B such as beard mapping, multiple pass shaving and such.

So if there are any guys lurking out there that enjoy shaving with your choice of cartridge razor jump in and join the group. If you enjoy cart shaving good for ya, it's your shave! You may find during your time here that you too want to try DE shaving or some of the many soaps, cremes and aftershaves reviewed and discussed in here daily.

Since beginning my DE journey and joining B&B, I have come to realize that through lessons learned here I can enjoy DE and Carts. Although I must admit I MUCH prefer DE!!:thumbup:
This hasn't happened yet but if I was really pressed for time I wouldn't mind using my Mach3. I never had a problem with getting a bbs shave from it. The only problem I had was the price of replacements. I only switched because I thought the DE looked pretty bad *** and I wanted to go back the way my grandfather used to shave! I wouldn't trade my DE for anything but I'm not throwing away my Mach3 either.
I occasionally slap on some Schick Hydro Gel and shave with Schick Hydro 5 Power Select and I do enjoy the shave. Of course, I only use cartridges when I want to shave in the shower. Damn good shave.
Hmm - I used a Sensor Excel for the longest time, then about a year ago I went back to the DE shaving of my youth (here were no cartridges then!) I also have a disposable and a foam can handy for times when I'm in a big rush - or maybe overnight travel. They all work, but the DE always gives the closest shave.
Recently I thought I'd try a more modern cartridge just to see if maybe it was now as good as DE. CVS had a Fusion ProGlide with a battery and same razor no battery $9.99. Well, this was only to be a test: got the plain razor: tried it next day. Honestly, the Sensor and the disposable were better! The feel of the ProGlide was just weird: a sort of fine rasp, not like a blade at all. The shave was OK but not great. Heigh-ho - back to my Edwin Jagger and Derby Extra!

Added: I see that reviewers say the battery ("pulses" the head) does make a big difference.... oh well, never mind, I'm staying DE.


Needs milk and a bidet!
great post! Cartridge users should absolutely join up! We have room for everyone here.

It has been said that your shave will dramatically improve with the incorporation of a good soap/creme and a brush, and still using a cartridge.

There is no better place to go than B&B if you are looking to improve your shave. No matter what hardware you use.
I only do when I'm in a rush. Two days ago, I had to shave with a Gilette good news. No irritation, but a five o'clock shadow at 9.
This is a daily conversation with me at work.
I have folks come in my shop and see all the DE's that I carry and ask "Why is this better than using my mach 3?"
My response is something similar. I'll never suggest that a DE its better for someone else. I can only say that DE's work better for myself and then try to relate my experience with them. By all means continue using a cartridge if you have no problems with it (price or otherwise). I'm not about to convince someone who is perfectly happy with their razor that they should try something else that requires more time/patience/effort!

So, I'm for cart fans here on B&B. Even cart folks need to learn about proper shaving software and brushes!
I have a Sensor Plus and I don't plan on throwing it out. Why should I? It will serve well in a travel kit. Still have a few cartridges in stock as well. All in all, I do have a better experience with my DE, and get a closer shave then any cart that I've used. Oh...., and not to mention the HUGE price savings going from carts to safety razors.:biggrin1:
I just recently switched from cartridges to a Schick Injector. My motivation for the switch was financial and romantic. I was looking for the "old school" thing and cartridges were getting quite expensive. If you use a cartridge razor I am sure you will not be forced to live in a tent outside the city walls. They work.
Do cartridges (like the Mach 3) work with shaving soap? Or do they clog, and are they designed to work with foam only?
I regularly use a Gillette ATRA with Schick SuperII carts (without the goo strip) and get excellent, easy shaves. Use what you like!
I regularly use a Gillette ATRA with Schick SuperII carts (without the goo strip) and get excellent, easy shaves. Use what you like!

I think those were the last good cartridges personally ... the addition of springs and goo strips made them go downhill. When you dismantle a Trac or Atra cartridge, you'll see that they still contain real razor blades, instead of flimsy foil.

I prefer the Trac II cartridge razor, but I am willing to use an Atra (without lube strip!!) if I need to. I never used any of the other / newer systems, and don't have the desire to try them.
Being in the military there are times, like when we're in the field, that it's just not possible to conduct a full wet shave. In fact, I've had to dry shave with cartridges before...not fun, but necessary. I'm also not what you would call a morning person. If I don't get a wet shave in at night before work, I sometimes do a knock down shave quickly with a cartridge in the morning just to get through the day. I'm enjoying the new found hobby of the slow and relaxed DE shave but won't be throwing away the cartridges out of necessity.
Has B&B ever been exclusively for DE shaving? Traditional Shaving Yes, straights and injectors. Yes. There have been many posts about other razors. Wet shaving must by definition encompass canned goo and the latest 6 blade razor. I enjoy using a Injector, DE safety razor, shavette's and cartridges. I even have a few straights which I may one day try ....

I will never give up my Omega boar (Oh this isn't Boar & Blade) and French Shea Butter shaving soap.....
Cartridges just work better for me. Even so, the biggest improvement in shaving for me over the last few years was discovering the Badger brushes were still available and starting to come back into popularity. A good brush with good soap makes a huge difference.


I’m not a fan
Do cartridges (like the Mach 3) work with shaving soap? Or do they clog, and are they designed to work with foam only?

I use my Mach3 with soaps (For Example: Speick, Tabac, Mikes Natural, Mystic Waters) and have not had issues with blades clogging.
Technically, no, but I've seen a lot of DE snobbery here. Even a moderator recently expressed the opinion that extolling the virtues of cartridges on B&B is like going into a muscle car forum and praising bicycles.

The focus of B&B has always been DE shaving and straight shaving. The reason is because many of us have had bad experiences with more modern shaving methods. Though we all have different opinions about shaving and other topics, B&B welcomes all gentlemen (and ladies).
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