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Some interesting History on Marketing SE Blades


Nice decision piece where ASR sues ISR over them claiming ISR Shav-E-ZEE blades fit GEM and Ever-Ready razors. ASR got owned by the judge when he pointed out that ASR tries to market GEM and ER Radio blades independently both claiming they are "the best", when in fact they are the same blade.

Just a cool bit of SE history
But I think the judge proved ASR's claim...if A=B and A is demonstrably best, then it should follow that B is best too.
Best means none better, and...
Oh well, another "activist" judge...
Thanks for the link!
Yes, he admitted that fact, something i was not even aware of since they advertised it as a different blade.

It is interesting history. Everyone thinks that Gillette was a big bully that dominated the market but in reality everyone was in it to win it
It is interesting history. Everyone thinks that Gillette was a big bully that dominated the market but in reality everyone was in it to win it

Gillette was a bully but with all good intent and purposes. Think of Microsoft.........
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