Oh, the sorry, sorry state of one of the apparently simpelest portions of my wardrobe. Top notch shoes? Check. Custom shirts, check. Perfect tie, check. Suit or slacks...done. But then, when it comes time for my socks, I have this mismatched drawer full of worthless garbage I should just throw away. Finely dressed gentlemen of B&B...your help please!!
I can never find socks that stay up, so I think I am going with over the calf. I need socks that will work with slacks, khakis, and suits (have casual socks and formal socks).
What is out there? I would like them to look good, feel good, and be well made. Cost is not really a concern....quality isn't free.
I will be forever in your debt for the assistance.
Oh, and PS---I KNOW I've seen threads on here about socks. I tried to search, but just entering "socks" didn't really work.
I can never find socks that stay up, so I think I am going with over the calf. I need socks that will work with slacks, khakis, and suits (have casual socks and formal socks).
What is out there? I would like them to look good, feel good, and be well made. Cost is not really a concern....quality isn't free.
I will be forever in your debt for the assistance.
Oh, and PS---I KNOW I've seen threads on here about socks. I tried to search, but just entering "socks" didn't really work.