What are your thoughts on boat shoes? Are they too casual for work?
I don’t work in an environment where I meet with customers however, it’s casual to professional type style. A lot of younger employees were jeans. Some of the managers wear slacks and dress shoes.
I would like to retire in 10 to 12 years so having nice boat shoes would be something I would be comfortable wearing in Retirement so that’s kind of the appeal for buying them. I’m hoping a good pair of Sperry shoes would last me 15-20 years. With light wear in a desk environment. The other thing I like about boar shoes is it’s kind of acceptable to wear without socks which I don’t really like to wear. It’s more comfortable for my feet if you’re in office for 10 hours.
I’ve had managers who would wear them, but only on Fridays. Typically casual Friday where they also would wear jeans and with a polo shirt.
I don’t work in an environment where I meet with customers however, it’s casual to professional type style. A lot of younger employees were jeans. Some of the managers wear slacks and dress shoes.
I would like to retire in 10 to 12 years so having nice boat shoes would be something I would be comfortable wearing in Retirement so that’s kind of the appeal for buying them. I’m hoping a good pair of Sperry shoes would last me 15-20 years. With light wear in a desk environment. The other thing I like about boar shoes is it’s kind of acceptable to wear without socks which I don’t really like to wear. It’s more comfortable for my feet if you’re in office for 10 hours.
I’ve had managers who would wear them, but only on Fridays. Typically casual Friday where they also would wear jeans and with a polo shirt.