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So what was your original brush and do you still have it?

VDH pure badger. I don't use it for lathering anymore but I do use it in the shower with my face wash. It's an excellent exfoliater, which is weird, it is both very scritchy and floppy at the same time.

VDH boar brush from their premium kit and it's the only brush I had and I've been using it for 7months now. It just keeps getting better with time and as far as I can tell there is no practical reason why I should replace it as I can whip up a pretty good lather with it.
Omega pure badger (m.no 6569). A floppy, prickly beast :) I have it in a drawer, but it doesn't get used. Sometimes I use it in the shower to lather up soap (if I have a solid soap bar, or a discarded shaving soap)
My first brush was the one that came in the AOS starter kit shown below -

$aos starter kit.jpg

No longer have it as I passed it along to someone else that I got into wet shaving. This AOS brush was the one that got me started though. I now have about a dozen brushes and God-knows-how-much tied up in soaps, frags, and accessories. Switching to wet shaving was supposed to save me money, right :001_rolle???

Like many others, mine was an Omega 49. Still have it, use it and love it. I use synthetics 80% of the time but this is still in my rotation.

Omega "Stripey" pure badger from amazon. Hated the Omega and bought a Rooney 3/1 silvertip less than 2 months later. Eventually PIF'd the Omega, but still have the Rooney.
My first brush was a Kent BK8. It was the only brush I've used for nearly 18 years. I still use it and it looks almost like new, apart for the lettering wearing off.
An Eveready 750 pure badger that I purchased around 1976. I still use it but not often. I like my Semogue 2000, Omega 10019, and Kent BLK 8 better and those are the one's I regularly use.
Shea Moisture synthetic, purchased from Target in 2012. It was terrible and I used it for a year before I knew better. I still have it, gave it to my kid who sometimes plays with it in the bathtub.
Omega 81230 - I retired this brush after I purchased a Plisson synthetic. I have since acquired another badger, a Semogue 1305. I dig the Omega out every once in a while and then remember why I moved on - that sucker sheds like a cat.
Classic Shaving pure badger was all kinds of scritchy that shed badly. still have it for some reason, but only used it for about 4 months.
My first shaving brush purchased only 5 weeks ago was Omega S10049 S-Brush Pro Synthetic Boar Shaving Brush – Red Handle. We have become intimate friends. It really creates a good lather and I love the way it applies the lather to my face and neck.
Count another for the VDH boar! I'm grateful for that little $8 deluxe kit, because I wouldn't be wet shaving today without it. Still, I've PIFed most of it to close friends, and I only keep the soap around because I formed a weird sentimental bond to the powdery scent.
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