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So the wifey says to me this morning...........

"This bathroom situation since you started wet shaving just isn't working for me. There's too much of your stuff on the bench.... do something about it !"

Now all I have on the bench is my small brush scuttle and a Ssilcox 4 DE, 1 Brush stand. All the rest of my stuff is scattered around various drawers, cupboards and shelves.

Now this is a bonus as we discussed a shaving cabinet maybe to put up on the wall. This'd allow me to display all the razors I have tucked away in the cupboard at the moment.

The downside is she's gonna see how much stuff I've actually got all in one place........

Arghhh the dilemma !!!
"This bathroom situation since you started wet shaving just isn't working for me. There's too much of your stuff on the bench.... do something about it !"

Now all I have on the bench is my small brush scuttle and a Ssilcox 4 DE, 1 Brush stand. All the rest of my stuff is scattered around various drawers, cupboards and shelves.

Now this is a bonus as we discussed a shaving cabinet maybe to put up on the wall. This'd allow me to display all the razors I have tucked away in the cupboard at the moment.

The downside is she's gonna see how much stuff I've actually got all in one place........

Arghhh the dilemma !!!

Start by reminding her of all the 1,000s of shoes, dresses, handbags, jewelry, etc. that you (presumably) DON'T have.
I prefer the blatant obviousism method. Just put whatever the new acquisition is right out there in the open. Then if she brings it up...."....I've had that for MONTHS and I already told you about it...aren't you paying attention to me when we talk? You don't really care about my feelings do you.."


And of course, it's a really good thing my wife isn't on B&B so I can exagerate all I want!


I recall some actress saying that her key to a happy marriage is two bathrooms.

I was looking around at my shave den the other day wondering what complaints my wife would have made.

She would have to live with it - not meaning to make waves, but relationships are give/take - sounds like she gave you a hard time & took your shave den.
:9898: :mad2: :cursing: :frown2: :shocked::incazzato:skep::a32:
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Hide in plain sight; with so much stuff on display she'll never suss if anything is new.

The bathroom war for territory is lost as soon as you move in with a woman.

They take 95% of all the available cupboards and shelving, yet when you try and reclaim 1% or so, you get accused of trying to take over, and they barely have enough room for everything as it is.

Don't get me started on wardrobes.
Is there a gas station with a public restroom within walking distance for her? If not, the only long-term solution might be to spring for a second bathroom.


There must be some middle ground solution.

Maybe try putting up a new shelf and then announce that "THEEEERE IIIIIS NOOOOW EEENOOOOOUGH ROOOOOM!!!".


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I try to keep my lot in the mail so it doesn't show too much. I got my hands on a paintbrush folder to put my straights in... They're hidden now...
Hide in plain sight; with so much stuff on display she'll never suss if anything is new.

The bathroom war for territory is lost as soon as you move in with a woman.

They take 95% of all the available cupboards and shelving, yet when you try and reclaim 1% or so, you get accused of trying to take over, and they barely have enough room for everything as it is.

Don't get me started on wardrobes.

Omg this ^

My ex gf pretty much "Owned" my bathroom leaving me the far right corner :glare:

but hey that was in the past :smile:
I'm single and thus have command of my own bathroom (still get comments from visitors about the numbers of creams, soaps and razors on the counter however).

I would have to say no shaving AD can compare with that women have with handbags.
It seems to be one for every outfit and they appear to serve no practical purpose I can fathom.
You guys are lucky, you have counters to clutter up! All I have is the small rim around the sink, a little bit of the top of the towel cupboard and 1 1/2 very small shelves in the medicine cabinet. My brush stand is on the edge of the sink and my razors are all on a deer antler rack on the wall beside the medicine cabinet.

I would kill for some counter space but unfortunately the size of our bathroom precludes such luxury...
come on gents, we talk about DE shaving as return to Manliness and you all get beaten down by your wives . . .:biggrin:

just tell her to go make you a roast beef sandwich and bring you beer between passes, and you'll put your shaving paraphenalia where you like it . . !

I have my own bathroom, and as such, it is mine . . . . as well as my own toilet, that I choose the reading matter in !
if it'll make you feel any better I have no say whatsoever on the state of our bathroom and whether or not I get my own shaving nook. all my stuff is in the bathroom closet, out of sight. me sad
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