Anyone else a Skin Bracer fan? I found it after Aqua Velva. I now prefer it (green Skin Bracer) to Aqua Velva.
The stuff is not Floid Vigoroso, but it is damn close and a fraction of the price.
clubman rob where are you?
skin bracer also makes a cooling blue that smells similar to aqua velva. there is also a cooling spice you might be able to pick up on ebay. i've read that its basically old spice with menthol.
I'm curious about that set you've found.
Basenotes lists Wild Moss and Dry Lime as being introduced in 1967, but the graphics on the label and the bottle shape suggests early 70's to me (1970-72).
Anyone out there remember this bottle?
clubman rob where are you?
Those particular "flavors" of SB ran well into the late seventies. This particular set was from 1970.
Sorry! I don't know how I missed this thread first time around.