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SNUS anyone?


I started Snusing almost a week ago as a stop smoking aid and man oh man, it is great, helps with nicotine cravings and gooood ... anyone else SNUSing?

Thank you Anthony, do you recommend any particular flavor/brand? I only use Portion SNUS for now

Have tried so far :
General wintergreen
Northerner Boost
Catch white
General mint and Goteborgs Rape white large

made another order yesterday for (ordered this time from http://www.buysnus.nu/ instead of the US one)

Olde Viking Ginger / Lime, Portion
Röda Lacket, White Portion
Göteborgs Rape No2, White Portion
General Wintergreen, White Portion
General Mint, White Portion
General Onyx, Black Strong Portion
Chaini Khaini Mango, White Portion

Good stuff :thumbup:

Also I apologize if this is posted in the wrong forum, Mods please move to the correct forum

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You have a good selection there. I would recommend the more tobacco dominate flavors also such as Grov or Ettan. Skruf is also excellent and has a slight floral tone, I believe rose oil is used.
Thank you, I will get those on my next order, Skruf sounds good

You have a good selection there. I would recommend the more tobacco dominate flavors also such as Grov or Ettan. Skruf is also excellent and has a slight floral tone, I believe rose oil is used.
You have a good selection there. I would recommend the more tobacco dominate flavors also such as Grov or Ettan. Skruf is also excellent and has a slight floral tone, I believe rose oil is used.

+1 on the recommendation for Grov and Ettan.
thank you for your replys, I have one question how long to keep the pouch? read that you keep it for 15-20 minutes and others say 30-45 minutes? I keep it for around 30 minutes when I feel there is no more juice in it?

I leave mine in for around an hour, using Goteborgs Rape white. It doesn't seem to do much for the first 15 minutes. I tend to get most of the juice on the back half of that hour.
thank you all for the info you provided. One more question, is it normal to get the inside upper lip a bit tender during the first two cans? my left side is a bit tender now I am using the right side, I think it is just getting used to the SNUS?

thanks again
thank you all for the info you provided. One more question, is it normal to get the inside upper lip a bit tender during the first two cans? my left side is a bit tender now I am using the right side, I think it is just getting used to the SNUS?

thanks again

Yes, a little bit although it's really nothing to worry about. I alternate sides each time.
Maher, good to see you're enjoying Snus!

Be sure to give the General Original a go, it's great. I'd also recommend the Skruf line, it's excellent.

i switch sides each time as well.
I belong to a terrific snus forum at snuson.com They have tons of advice in regards to snus and lots of DE shavers there as well. Have you tried los yet? The Gellivare is fantastic!
Hi, I live in Norway, and most of my friends who have been smoking and using snus for a while says that SKRUF Xtra strong is the way to go!

So on behalg of my friends, I would like to reccomend you SKRUF Xtra stärk (strong) :)

I'm not too crazy about Skruf in general, and Skruf Extra sterk was kind of a disappointment. It's strong, sure, but it's pretty flat tasting.
Skurf is on my list to try. I did not like Goteborgs Rape don't know why but the taste did not appeal to me, so that is one off LOL, I really like General Original and will be getting more of it, thank you all for your replies I will also check the snus forum

Happy snusing :thumbup1:
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I have been a snusare for about ten years and I couldn't imagine a world without it. Great to hear about our Swedish speciality conquering the world!

Don't forget, snus is more addictive than cigarettes. I know people that haven't snused for several years and still have cravings. I will probably tell any future kids of mine to "never stop snusing" :)
Grov Black is my go to snus, with an occasional Thunder frosted thrown in for good measure. I generally keep one in for about two hours.
thank you all for the info you provided. One more question, is it normal to get the inside upper lip a bit tender during the first two cans? my left side is a bit tender now I am using the right side, I think it is just getting used to the SNUS?

thanks again

You will get this occasionally. I still do after ten years. This comes and goes. I alternate sides every week or so to minimize it. But during stressful periods I tend to snusa a bit more, which means more tenderness.
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