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Skin Bracer

Scent is awesome. I'm not good at picking apart notes, but it does have a fair bit of vanilla in it. It lasts quite a long time on my skin, most of the day really.


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I keep seeing a lot of you men talking about this stuff. How is the scent and staying power?


I have a vintage bottle and a modern one (that I bought a few weeks ago). The scent is not 100% the exact same. The modern has a bit of a more modern scent to it but not by much. If you would get one or the other, you wouldn't notice a big difference.

The menthol is awesome in that one. It's a bit powdery. I get a bit of mint and there's something else, like an old school barbershop scent to it. I can get that one for really cheap locally so if you can too, try it. The product is cheap so if you don't like it, you won't be out by much!
The scent is AMAZING. It's one of my favorites that I have so far!
I transfered into an empty Avon Wild Country decanter too! (the green car)
Minty, with vanilla. Very green but fresh. One of my favorites. It's kind of an opposite to AquaVelva for me. AV is minty, but has a slight muskiness and maybe some leather, while SB has all kinds of greenness, some power, some vanilla, and mint. It's awesome :thumbup: I find the Brisk knock-off from Vijon (Barbasol Brisk or drugstore knock-offs) has less vanilla, if any.
I'm terrible at identifying notes in fragrances/soaps. I will say though, after Skin Bracer dries down, I get many similar notes to Mike's Barbershop soap, so they make a great combo. Although, I suppose that wouldn't help if you've never tried the soap either.
I actually prefer Barbasol Brisk over the original Skin Bracer though, more menthol kick and you can't beat $1.50...longevity on both is astounding for aftershaves, at least 4-6 hours.

Actually I've still smelled it the next morning when taking a shower, it's not really strong enough to smell normally, but the hot water from the shower seems to reactivate the scent a bit as I wash it off. :blink:
I found a full, vintage glass bottle of Skin Bracer at my local thrift store today for $1.98. I almost didn't buy it because the label was a bit scratched up, then I came to my senses and realized that, what the heck, it's only 2 bucks!!! It did smell just a bit different then my modern Skin Bracer, maybe just a bit mintier.
I get a nice clean powdery green monthol scent from it. The scent seems to last for a few hours on me too. It's my favorite drugstore aftershave. I recomend you give it a try.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
When summer is in full swing, I like to mix a splash of Skin Bracer and a splash of Osage Rub in hand and apply after the shave. I call it, 'The Green Freeze'. :thumbup1:
If you hadn't of bought that the whole forum who have wanted to go to your house in a huge clown car and take you back to that shop. :lol:
I think it has a longer lasting scent than most other aftershaves. Comparable to Jovan Musk, Aqua Velva, Clubman, which seem to linger as well.
I LOVE Skin Bracer. It gives my face a good cold treatment and the scent is outstanding. The scent seems stronger and longer-lasting than the oft-compared Aqua Velva.
My local Walgreens was having a clearance on their shaving stuff and I bought a bottle of this and AV yesterday and I think I royally messed it up.

I'm used to using either just plain witch hazel or Nivea energizing splash. The scent of both of those fades within 10 minutes no matter how much you use.

I put way too much of this on and it drove me so crazy I had to actually get in the shower and quickly wash the smell out five hours later.

It felt amazing though. I can't say it isn't refreshing and soothing. I don't like the smell though. As my little cousin says "it smells like old people"

Now that I know I can't just bathe in the stuff, I'm gonna try it again and be a little more conservative with it tomorrow.
In my opinion Skin Bracer is excellent.Its affordable and smells really good.Sophisticated and intriguing.
Bottle design will trick you.It looks cheap.Which is partly true . Since i joined B&B i bought quite a bit of stuff.And at the end cheaper/widely available
stuff feel better.I use it more without guilt feeling i paid too much i better be careful and save it .Clubman/Mennen brands are perfect example.
Hard to explain .Kind of genuine everyday scent that you could wear anywhere.
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