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Simpsons old and older ..... Some butterscotch some not..

Hi everyone..

I posted about getting a few brushes off of the bay

Marked left to right. S10 best badger reknotted as per seller , ASM3 knot appears original... Best badger. KH1 best, duke 3 best, duke 3 pure and a new favorite a chubby 1 super!

Any thoughts on the S10 or ASM3?



The S10 has three stable cracks....


And ASM3


Also would you reknot ? Blow wold you go about it?

Good huhunting

Bill Sohne
I like the s10 and the asm3 ... I personally would re-knot due to the fact I like to use everything I have as thats its only value to me. Im not sure if I will ever collect anything withen shaving not to be used and im sure there are many that see it differently as there is collector value in these particular items. Either way nice find and I would love to see this re-knotted, surely a beautiful brush.
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