I am surprised i have not seen or heard anything on [protecting strops from dust or flying lather,water,etc. I know dust builds up fast around my house and if you live in the country and especially on a dirt road there is no keeping out of the house so you should try to do your best to at least keep it off your strop. If enough builds up it will really mess with the smoothness of your edges. I have been using the cover illustrated below for almost 2 years now and I do not find it inconvenient at all because it swivels to the side as soon as I pick the strop up and falls back in place when I lay it down all by itself. Sometimes I starighten it a bit but thats about all. Its not the perfect solution but it really helps. I used plain brown wrapping paper on a roll and cut it about 3" longer than the strop so i could fold the top over for double thickness and durability.After cutting the length I folded it over and used some paper glue to hold it. I think I used a quarter as my circle to trace and cut the circle out then I put the swivel of the strop through and made a bit of a bend so it hangs nice and the project is complete. They have saved me a couple of water stains already since i keep my strops in the bathroom. Well I hope you find it useful as I do.