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Silvertip brush for $26?

Sometimes I ask myself, what would my father do?
In this case he'd say something in Spanish like, "Son, you can't buy a cow just cause its real cheap. If that were the case we'd all be out here drinkin' fresh milk"
for $32 roughly with shipping consider the reputable vendors/ supporters.
whipped dog
the golden nib.com (hence when everyone here says "TGN" for a brush knot recommendation, this is what they mean":001_cool:


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to put it into perspective. when you are shopping for steak, do you buy the cheapest steak possible?

not saying cheap brushes can't be good, but you get my point.
I don't know anything about that brush, but I strongly suspect you would be wasting your money. Not all "silvertip" is created equal and there is no industry standard for what constitutes "silvertip." I have a cheap silvertip (Frank Shaving) in my den that I never use. A good Simpsons Best Badger (e.g. Case, Berkeley, or Special) or even a good boar (Semogue) is much better, IMHO, than a cheap silvertip.
Wow! Thanks for the great links. I'll pass on the Conk brush and start looking at these other options.
For about the same money you can get a much more satisfying Whipped Dog silvertip. You can even choose from a variety of handles.
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