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Sick and tired of the upcomming election?

Are you sick and tired of the elections coming up?

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Is everyone sick an tired of the ads and phone call from both parties? The "friends" who argue with you about your own political leanings? The candidates all boasting that they aren't "career politicians" (yet)?
I cannot have a conversation with my dad anymore without him going off on some crazy rant.

He has gotten a little better after i told him I didnt want to visit if he was just going to yell and scream about politics.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Well, being in Canada I'm only half-sick of it, since we miss out on most of the fallout & media coverage. Just collateral damage and friendly fire up here.

But I AM getting sick of the inability of American renegade politicians to give their new parties proper, non-silly names. Would I vote for the Pu'er Party? The Coffee Kabal? The "Let's go for a cup of coffee and chat it out" Party? (the left-wing alternative, obviously), The Rent Is Too 'Darn' High Party?

I am so sick of it, that it depresses me a little. Our country (no matter which side you are on) NEEDS leadership SO badly, and NEEDS a little more cooperative government SO badly that all this BS playing politics, fighting over the power to be the party that the other party will do everything it can to stop....it makes me sad. Almost everyone I know isn't a (insert wing here) zealot. How come every politican is?

Crap--is that my personal politics? I hope not, I really don't want to get your thread closed.
I am sick and tired that voter turnout for every election isn't 100%. VOTE!
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Since there is no such thing as a politician that will bend/twist the truth to their benefit, I take the view that all the political ads are true.

In my area pretty much every ad is... The reason that you should vote for me I am not as corrupt, incompetent, stupid,"fill in the blank" as my opponent. Vote for me.
I just wish everyone would get out and vote even if it was to abstain, it is our right after all and the only time the politicos listen to us.
My TV wasn't working up until about a week ago and now it seems like every other commercial is a political ad. All I hear all day is Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina :thumbdown

"People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people."

— Alan Moore (V for Vendetta)


My elbows leak
Staff member
I wouldn't be so tired of it if it were illegal to mention your opponent in your TV ad.

Ads should be about what the candidate thinks and believes, not what a scumbag he thinks the other candidate is.
most are crooks! I make too little $$$ for one side to care about me and too much for the other side to be my friend. So, if there are no local levy's to go vote against I skip it. I record anything local I want to see while watching cable and then later FF over all the ads. All the ads sound like guys standing around claiming their's is the biggest and best but when called on it no one wants to lay it out on the table!
I am sick and tired that voter turnout for every election isn't 100%. VOTE!

Very true - as much as I get tired of the negativity, voting is still one of the most important things we can do.

Besides, if you don't vote, you can't gripe. :lol:
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