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Sichuan/Szechuan Peppercorn Recipes?

My kids love mabodofu (spicy ground pork and tofu, if you haven't had it), and we usually make the Japanese version. I decided to make a spicier version yesterday and picked up some sichuan peppercorns at my local Chinese grocery store. It turned out great. Now I've got a giant bag of peppercorns and I'd like to try them out in something other than more mabodofu or the eggplant variation. Any suggestions? Also, does anybody have any quick tricks to separate the seed pods from the little black seeds?
I also use them to make spicy pork and bean curd. I don't separate the two parts but simply grind them (mortar and pestle) up.
I had pork belly and scallions at a restaurant that served actual authentic Chinese cooking. They tried to kill me. It was basically pork belly, scallions, and a ton of szechuan peppers cooked in oil. Very spicy, but very good.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
They work great in dipping sauces, to.

For many years, they were illegal in los estados unidos.
I like to add them when making a stock if my intention is to make a nice spicy soup for my self.
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