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Shrink to Fit Denim (STF) - What are your experiences?

In an attempt to explore new horizons and find jeans that fit a bit better than what's out there, I've taken the plunge and tried Shrink To Fit jeans. (Levi's 501 STF). I'm on day one of wearing them (slightly damp still) and they're still a bit baggy.

Anyone have any good or bad experiences with STF jeans? It's not a big thing where I'm at so I don't know of anyone who has actually gone through this process. I did get some bathwater really blue last night when I had my jeans flat out in the tub with hot water.

Any good reasons for laying jeans out flat or can I save some water, roll them up into a cooler and pour hot water into that instead?

Will update with progress!

- J
I really like the STFs. They wear based on your body--unlike to pre-distressed jeans that can have wear in wear places. All the creases and faded parts are actually in the right places. Wear them enough and you wind up with a pair of jeans that are unique because of they've worn based on your body and how you wear them. I like the Levi's because they're well-made jeans that don't cost a fortune.

Leave them flat, or wear them into the tub (cold water). I would avoid rolling them up when they are still wet, hot water, and letting them go through the spin cycle in your washing machine. Because they aren't prewashed, any of the previously mentioned things will ruin your jeans. Hot water will cause the dye to come out, and prolonged creasing (or creasing with lots of pressure) when wet will cause the dye to come out where the creases are. I made the mistake of running a pair through the spin cycle and they've got these funny dye-less lines from the creasing.

Even though they can be a bit of a pain to wash, I like them. I hope you enjoy yours!

I like the STFs but don't bother following the fit guide from Levis. Levi is captain of vanity sizing, my suggestion is to buy them +1-2 (I went +4 but I like large cuffs) on the inseam and the waist should fit off the rack. They will tighten up in the waist after the first soak but will loosen back up after a couple of wears. If your not washing them all the time they will fit great, if you plan on washing after every wear I would go +1 in the waist.
I am in a pair of STF 501 selvege denim now. Approx. 3 months old. I admit to being lazy - or impatient - maybe both. I buy +2-3 in waist and +3-4 in length, invert and cold wash, tumble dry to a nice damp state, then wear. I go easy on wash/dry a few times til I get them right then rarely wash them. Very comfy. Good value- I think I paid $28/pair.
So I've decided to be a little more scientific. I purchased two additional pairs that are the same size (buy 2 for 80 bucks at my outlet) but different colors to see how the material behaved. Both are +0 waist and +2 inseam. I'll go with one that gets some water and worn in, the other will be worn in for a while then washed. First pair I purchased were +1 wasit and +4 inseam (only ones I could find that were close to the levi's sizing recommendations). These are fitting ok, but not quite as fitted as I wanted.

A couple of questions:
- Hot Vs Cold water - does it matter? It seems that you get better shrinkage with hot water. The Newer jeans don't need much of a shrink, but is it better to try to get all my shrinking done on the first shot? how much change in size can I expect with hot vs cold?

- Not washing them. The only alternative I've seen to not washing them is to freeze them. If I want to avoid messing these up, should I not roll them up and throw them into a freezer?

Thanks for the ideas, I'm hoping anyone else can use the good info!

- J
I'm on raw denim jean pair #9 (currently wearing Unbranded 21oz straight fit). Here's what I've learned so far:

Read reviews on what size to buy in relation to your measurements. True to size will work a lot, but some jeans are sized smaller or larger.
Don't think your waist is 34" because the last pair of jeans you bought was a 34. Use a tailor's tape.
Denim stretches a lot, so when in doubt buy smaller.
Turn them inside out, give them a hot soak, and hang dry them.
If you want to soak them while wearing them, go for it, but don't let them dry on you or you'll stretch them in weird ways (most noticeably you'll get knee bags). Let them hang dry completely.
If they get dirty, or smelly enough that hanging them outside in the sunshine doesn't help anything, wash them. You're not going to ruin anything. I never bought the whole freezing thing....I always just came out with cold jeans.
I hate Fabreeze.

Some people don't like to do a hot water soak, as it will take away some indigo, but I find the benefits outweigh the loss of dye. Most notably, if you put all kinds of wear and creases in them before soaking, then when you do wash them the first time they'll shrink and suddenly none of the creases/wear will match your body anymore! Also, I find with heavier denims that the soak will take out some of the starch and help prevent crotch blowouts.
Ducatisteve: High five on the Unbranded 21oz, I am wearing the tapered ones as I write this. All I do is sit at a desk, and they are still fading crazy fast.
As far as the 501s go, if you are experimenting with multiple pairs, you will likely figure out pretty quick what works for you. Initially, I liked the ritual of soaking with them on, but got to the point of just laying them out in shallow warm water in the tub. One thing about soaking in the jeans: if they are tight on you when you first put them on, they will relax a little to fit you during the soak. After a half hour/forty min, hang them until they stop dripping. Here is where I depart from Ducatisteve: I wear them when they are still damp. Don't do any deep lunges, the knees will bag, but sitting and standing and walking around while they dry sets many of the creases that will stay in the jeans forever; its pretty cool. Lastly, and this is what most folks new to raw denim have trouble with, wash them as infrequently as you can manage. With my first pair, a couple of weeks felt like forever. Now, when I spilled tomato juice on my APCs last month, I was pissed because I had only gotten 7 months of wear before I had to wash them.
Sounds like your having fun with it, I have one pair of 501 STF Indigo with one year of wear and two hand washes. I'll try and remember to take a few photos when I get home. Currently just started a pair of 501 STF Knights, so far I am just starting to see a little fading in the upper thigh area. At the end of the day they're just jeans but I do enjoy how all the little lines and creases are formed from my wear.
The jeans do feel a little more comfy after a few days of wear. I'm rotating them so as to let them air out. The 3rd pair purchased (wearing it without washing) feels like glossy cardboard so more to come on how they feel after a week of having them rub on everything. Thanks for the advice, I kind of like the idea of having jeans that have my characteristics to them. Just amazed how I never thought of it before! :)
- J
Congrats on your new denim adventure lol. It's a fun process and one that hopefully you will enjoy. Seeing your jeans evolve is something I've loved since my first pair quite a long time ago. I do have a pair of Levi's STFs. I would say I've been wearing the, for a couple of years now. I have nothing but good things to say about Levi's. I have Sugar Cane, Pure Blue Japan, Lee, Samurai, KMW...I think I'm going to get another pair of SC as soon as I retire these Sammy's.

those STFs will feel more and more comfy as you break them in. Keep at it. Just for reference, I always do a long hot soak. Then I fold them long ways on a towel(one i don't mind ruining), then I roll them together. Give it a few good smacks and then unroll. This will get most of the water out. Hang dry.
i've gone through 2 pairs of stf's and loved em. I'm about 10 months into my 14.5 oz unbranded straights. They aren't showing nearly as much wear as the 501's at about the same age. I've washed em once. I think they will last longer and i like the fit a little better.
I've been interested in this as well for quite some time. If any body has some pictures I'd love to see how they turned out. Maybe a before an after?

I am learning a lot from this thread. I didn't think this was such a trend these days.

A few months ago was watching some travel show (might have been an old Globe Trekker episode) where the main Guy wore his pair of jeans around the world and finally got them wet at the end by jumping into ocean in Mexico (I think). I tried to find the clip but only found this guy you knows how to travel light: One Pair Of Pants (And Other Tales From A Minimalist Wardrobe)
it's definately not a trend:) It's a way of life.....be careful looking into it...once you see and appreciate the quality and tradition that goes into making a good pair of jeans, you won't want to ever wear a pair of prewashed again.
Agreed, I'm not rotating about 6 pairs of denim that have not been washed since I've started the thread...we'll see how long it goes!
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