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Shower shavers, when and why did you start?

For me I started to shower shave at around 14yrs old. There was a DJ called Pat Sharp here in the UK at the time. He used to play music that wasnt really my taste, but I caught an interview on TV with him and one thing stuck from that interview was he said "always shave in the shower,". Strange comment to make for a kids TV interview but it just stuck in there. Ever since it's been 'shower shaving' I can count the amount of sink shaves I've had using fingers and toes. It works for me anyone else, by the way I'm now 39 several times over, and missing a finger on the left hand. Makes guitar playing interesting.
I don't always shave in the shower, but will when I can. I started about 10 years ago. I heard a buddy of mine say he did it, and I thought that sounded crazy...so I had to try it out.
I got the idea from my older brother and I've been doing it for over 20 years now.
My shaved improved dramatically.
I'd like to DE in the shower but wouldn't the lather in the scuttle wash away ? anyway , I have Fusioned in the shower & I think the increased wetness in the shower does provide a better shave .
Although I shave in the shower roughly once a week, I don't have a mirror, have never had one to use in my shower. I would want a mirror if I took a DE in the shower. I don't know why I started, nor with certainty, exactly "when". I assume it coincided with one or the other of the Atra or the Sensor becoming one of my regular razors (my TracII never earned that much of my attention, whether or not I had the Schick cartridges with the unclogging-plunger in them).
Cart shaving was always done in the shower, since it was a 45-second process.
My water bill would skyrocket if I tried to do a 10-minute DE shave in there every day!
Most days now. I find the quality of shave and the cleanup to be greatly improved
I just started recently,but I'm becoming concerned that I'm wasting an immense amount of water doing so
I'm trying out my new R41 this week so the shave is a little slower than usual
this morning I got out of the show and noticed I was in there almost 30 minutes


Needs milk and a bidet!
Shower shaving?....very new to me. Never tried it. My whole family has always been sink shavers as am I. So fill me in...do you still lather? Do you still apply aftershave? If so when you get out? Need a mirror? I feel like we need a shower shaving forum as this is foreign to me. I'm very interested in trying it tho as it does seem convenient and maybe simple. FYI I only use a DE
Got the idea from my ex-wife who shaved her legs in the shower. Warm, moist environment, easy clean up, no mess...made sense. Started with carts and then DE's a couple of years ago. I face lather to keep it simple and don't worry about a mirror - go mostly by feel which I find more accurate and effective. Usually two passes with a touch up. I find that it doesn't add that much time to the shower and more than makes up for clean up of the sink, etc.
I've shaved in the shower for 13 years and have continued this practice successfully since picking up DE shaving a few months ago.

As some of the others have stated its a great way to shave in a moist environment and quite easy to clean up afterwards....no sink basin and counter top to clean.

You dont shave with the water running, rather you either turn the faucet on to rinse your razor or do what I do and fill a small plastic container with water to rinse in.

Thus, since you don't let the water run, you don't waste any.

My whole shower and shave takes me 20 mins tops every morning. Then I only have to towel off once and then get dressed. When I've shaved at the sink I towel off twice...once after the shower and again after my shave.

I suggest you get the setup I have in the photos below. Tension rod shelf and shower mirror are from Bed Bath and Beyond. The mirror stays fog free for my shave by splashing some hot water over it.







Needs milk and a bidet!
JB nice set up. Very helpful. Tension rod and shelf is a must in my shower if I'm gonna start shower shaving. A+
Sounds interesting. I've always heard about shower shaving but always thought it would be more of a pain to successfully lather and store a brush in there, unless you use canned goo or brushless cream. I'm in need of a shower and a shave at the moment, so I'm going to go do that. I'll report back in ~30.
Sounds interesting. I've always heard about shower shaving but always thought it would be more of a pain to successfully lather and store a brush in there, unless you use canned goo or brushless cream. I'm in need of a shower and a shave at the moment, so I'm going to go do that. I'll report back in ~30.

That's why I keep my stuff on the higher shelves and on the opposite side of the stall from the shower head. I only turn the water on to rinse my face off between passes.
JB nice set up. Very helpful. Tension rod and shelf is a must in my shower if I'm gonna start shower shaving. A+

Thanks! I added the shelving after I began DE shaving and my 'gear' began to grow. Before I used a Mach 3 and brush lathered in my hand.

Also has the overhead light installed which improved matters.

Good luck joining the ranks of the shower shavers!
Well that was easy. Extremely easy. Maybe even better than the sink!

Fusion Power (just bought new carts for easy-shaving after using a DE for three months)
24mm TGN Synthetic knotted brush
MdC Soap (side note: I know there is a lot of hype around this soap, and I've got to say it is at least 75% justified; the scent is top notch, and the performance is exquisite)

Wet brush, soak soap (it's a sample from Gary)
Shampoo, wash face, commence shave-time
Load brush, face lather (super easy with a steady flow of hot water and a steamy room)
Normal 2.5 pass shave (XTG, ATG face; XTG, XTG, almost ATG neck)
Achieve DFS, one of the best lately
Soap body, rinse
Cold water splash and WH upon exiting

My, my, gals and gents. This was a good experience. The only problem I see myself having is that my current shower is incredibly narrow and cramped, and this was very noticeable when shaving the off-side of my face. I may continue to do this every now and then, and definitely want to pursue this with a DE. It's been so long since I've put a Fusion to my face and, though I *did* get a truly DFS, having 10 razor-passes on my face after only having 2 for a while is easily noticed. Other than that, I don't see why not to shower shave!
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