I'm a pretty avid biker, I try to get in at least 100 miles a week. Some times more, sometimes less. I do it for a few reasons;
1. Keeps me from getting to doughy
2. I can eat pretty much whatever I want.
3. Helps out with my lower back pain.
I find that when I'm not riding much that my lower back pain returns. I don't know if the riding stretches my back out or builds the muscle up around it. Aaanyway, I like the mountain bike more than the tri bike, although I ride both. Here's a couple pics;

And before you ask, yes I know the tri bike has no pedals. I switch the clipless ones back and forth.LOL
Let's see your bike (s)
1. Keeps me from getting to doughy
2. I can eat pretty much whatever I want.
3. Helps out with my lower back pain.
I find that when I'm not riding much that my lower back pain returns. I don't know if the riding stretches my back out or builds the muscle up around it. Aaanyway, I like the mountain bike more than the tri bike, although I ride both. Here's a couple pics;

And before you ask, yes I know the tri bike has no pedals. I switch the clipless ones back and forth.LOL
Let's see your bike (s)