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Show me your photos of King Camp Gillette, the handsome devil!

Got this off the Bay. It is an 8 x 10 modern high quality print of King Camp Gillette from a 1906 photograph. I was interested if folks had any other pictures of the man who started the razor and disposable razor blade business? If so, show them here!!!:001_smile


My elbows leak
Staff member
I've always been fond of his picture on the old razor blade wrapper.
Say what you like, the guy had the guts to put his face on his product.
Ok, so did Chef Boyardee, but you get my meaning.
As an old man.

Besides being an inventor, KCG was also a committed Socialist. He dreamed of all businesses being owned by the people, and he offered Teddy Roosevelt a salary of $1M a year to be head of this corporation. TR turned him down.

He wanted to see the entire American Population live in one large city called Metropolis, which would be powered by Niagara Falls.

KCG called his dream society "Utopia," and wrote several books on the matter:

The Human Drift (1894)
World Corporation (1910)
The People's Corporation (1924)
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