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Shaving without a razor.

So I tried something stupid this morning...

I attempted to shave without a razor, which is to say, by holding the blade between my fingers. I considered that straight-shaving really isn't much different, since in either case you have to manually control the blade angle.

I lathered up with some Speick stick and used extra glycerine just to be safe and held the blade edgewise between my thumb and middle finger, using the index finger as a guide on the spine of the razor. (Needless to say, this can really only be done with a traditional SE blade.)

It took me a few tries to get the right angle but I was able to do a WTG pass over my entire face that was surprisingly close and only a little weeper on my throat. I remembered all of my lessons when I was learning to straight-shave about stroke length and stretching the skin. Of course, for my second pass, I just used a normal Injector (blade AND handle).

I can now say that my left hand is the single most aggressive SE on earth...ah, who am I kidding? It's still no MMOC. :lol:

So, now for the stupid part, because what comes next will make the above seem like neuro-science. :blush:

Halfway through my pass, my fingers started to get tired being locked in one position, so I needed to put the blade down and flex my fingers. Instead of putting the blade on the sink-top or just holding the blade in my OTHER, FREE HAND, I placed the blade between my teeth, shook my hand out, and promptly nicked my tongue.


ANYWAY...If you guys are experienced with straight-shaving, you should give it a try, even just as an exercise in learning about blade angle and pressure...we can even start a new B&B cult: bare-hand shavers...or BS'ers, for short.
When I told my wife (after my tongue stopped bleeding) she asked me if I was going to find out whether a carbon blade or a stainless one does a better job of shaving the tongue.
When I told my wife (after my tongue stopped bleeding) she asked me if I was going to find out whether a carbon blade or a stainless one does a better job of shaving the tongue.

Back in my hard drinkin' days there were mornings my tongue needed a shave - but it never got one
I really should figure out how to get my phone to do video, because I fear without video, people won't believe me that it can be done and effectively at that.
Wow.... I don't think I've ever read about someone nicking their tongue while shaving! :lol:

I once cut my earlobe with a DE89. Not sure what I was trying to accomplish with that one.
I really should figure out how to get my phone to do video, because I fear without video, people won't believe me that it can be done and effectively at that.

I believe you. My dad recalls doing this in a pinch. I've wanted to try it, but have yet to work up the nerve.
Is this the point in the thread where I say this thread is useless without pics or you are nuttier than a squirrel turd?

I will just say I'm glad you didn't get hurt worse.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
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