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Shaving up to plusminus 1990

The other day I was thinking about my grandfather who died in 1995. He was a daily electric shaver but obviously, his shaves were never really close.

This got me thinking as to what the social norms with regards to shaving up to plusminus 1990 were. Was it okay to show up with some visible stubble? Were you supposed to shave daily?

Any insights would be appreciated.
You were expected to be clean shaven, DFS every morning, but not BBS. The electric razors of the time often didn't get close enough for a morning shave. It was OK to have a half a day shadow in the evening. I got in trouble once in boarding school, and talked to the dean, because I had some stubble, probably three days, one time. Businesses had similar expectations about stubble. You could grow a beard, but stubble was considered a dirty look. This was in New England in the 90s.
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