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Shaving supplies in Budapest, Hungary?

Hi all,

I haven't posted for a while on these forums frankly because, and this might get me a lot of flak, I was shaving with my electric razor since it left me with the perfect stubble, whereas my Gillette Superspeed would shave me way too smooth, even on the first pass(and even though I have a heavy growth :blink:

I'm in Budapest for a few months and started to let my beard grow, to later on shave the beard and leave a nice handlebar moustache. I do however need to maintain my neck and cheekline and I'm starting to run out of good blades to shave with.

I thought I came prepared by bringing some 70 Derby Extra blades and a 5 pack of Hema blades. Oddly, I hadn't tried the Hema blades before but they are better than the Derby's. After they ran out though I went and bought the only other brand they seemed to have at the drug stores, which is Wilkinson Classic. I did not like these blades at all since they gave a horrible shave and left me bleeding all over the place.

So currently I'm stuck with the Derby's, which isn't bad, but not the greatest. I was wondering if there's any shop to buy any different brand of blades (always wanted to try Feather and Shark). Also heard that they have a very nice cream in Hungary called Figaro, and I'm also looking for some nice beard/moustache wax. So if anybody would happen to know a place where I could get my hands on these 3 things I would be forever thankful:laugh:
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I am not concerned about judging the manner in which you shave unless you ask for advice. Good luck Drinky. I hope someone chimes in and gets you a good answer.
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August West, Chairman of the Warm Welcoming Committe :001_tongu

And oddly, "dear old Dad" to at least one member. :scared:

Best of luck to the OP in your search for blades. I am of no help for blades in Hungary. I have lived in San Antonio for almost a year and I couldn't help you with a place to buy blades if you were next door. Is an internet purchase out of the question for you in your current situation?
And oddly, "dear old Dad" to at least one member. :scared:

Best of luck to the OP in your search for blades. I am of no help for blades in Hungary. I have lived in San Antonio for almost a year and I couldn't help you with a place to buy blades if you were next door. Is an internet purchase out of the question for you in your current situation?

First off. thanks everyone. Second, no mail ordening would not be an option here. I've ordered some cheap stuff from eBay and it didn't arrive, I had my parents send me important mail with tracking that got lost and I had a very difficult time getting back so I'm not too fond of ordering stuff on the Internet here.
I happened to stumble upon this thread http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/347436-Brother-Heading-to-Hungary-in-a-Few-Days and I was sceptical at first, because I've seen the Barbon shaving cream in all drug stores here for cheap. Bought a tube today, might buy the pre-shave as well but it has a menthol like smell and I'm not too fond of that.

I couldn't find the Figaro shaving cream, nor any other blades except for Isana blades and Gillette. Might try those as well later on.

They also have a pretty cheap "Balea" brush with a holder for under 5 euro's, which is really, really cheap. It says "natural brush" but I can't find out what kind of hairs they are using. Anyone have experience with it?
Today was a good day. I just managed to score a nice HJM badger brush with stand for 7 euro's. All in all with the Barbon cream I ended up staying below 10 euro's(the cream was 1,60 euro's ) which is pretty nice to say the least. For anybody stumbling upon this topic later on looking for the same thing. The Muller, Rossmann and DM all carry the Barbon Shaving supplies( it differs per store what they offer). The price is around 450ft everywhere.


I also found these blades in the Muller, appearantly they are from Mman, but the packaging looks identical to the Hema blades I buy in the Netherlands (except for the image, which is less detailed on the Mman). Can anybody confirm if these are the same? The Mman blades cost 459ft( 1,55 euro's) for a pack of 10.


And the Hema blades

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There is a Lord agent in Budapest. Not a shop but I have dealt with him both in Budapest and later from the Netherlands.

They have a website; http://www.lordborotva.hu/ and they added a webshop recently (as I see just now when I looked up their URL) here; http://www.shavemaniac.com/ . I found them great to deal with and very helpfull.

They are situated in Budapest and I am sure you could work something out with them if you want too.

Edit; if you are looking for DE blades look under hagyományos borotválkozás
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Thanks a lot! The Lord blades seem to be very cheap, almost half the price of the Mman blades :ohmy:.

I'm going to see what the reviews say about them before I buy another pack( that's the first mistake I made with the derby's, buying a 100 blade pack :p )
There is a Lord agent in Budapest. Not a shop but I have dealt with him both in Budapest and later from the Netherlands.

They have a website; http://www.lordborotva.hu/ and they added a webshop recently (as I see just now when I looked up their URL) here; http://www.shavemaniac.com/ . I found them great to deal with and very helpfull.

They are situated in Budapest and I am sure you could work something out with them if you want too.

Edit; if you are looking for DE blades look under hagyományos borotválkozás

Or use Chrome and it will translate pretty well.

I see http://www.shavemaniac.com/kosarba/captain-by-lord-penge-cs-c03b-108533 offers the elusive Captain CS blades, for about $1 per 10 - plus delivery, of course.
HEMA blades?? In Budapest? Where did you get those!?

I brought a pack of 10 blades with me from the Netherlands. I was surprised when I saw the same package in the Muller drugstore today. I haven't bought them though so can't really say if Muller sells the same blades as HEMA, but there is a strong possibility.
I bought Gillette Platinums in Budapest in May this year. I saw them in a couple of drug stores and bought almost a hundred all up. Good blades.
Yeah I saw those as well, and even though it's only ~1,60 for a pack of 5, I still think 30ct per blade is "too much", since they don't give me any better shave over the Hema or Derby blades which I get for 12ct and 6ct per blade respectively.

I'm going to stock up on some of that barbon shaving cream though. Just finished my first shave with it a few minutes ago and it lathered up really easy. Whilst my Arko stick also lathers fairly easy, the Barbon for some reason feels and shaves better. I could pull off a BBS shave after 1 day of not shaving with almost no razor burn, whereas with usually I would have to let my neck region grow for 2~3 days to get the same result. The smell is also very nice, can't put my finger on it but it has somewhat of a nature/forest smell to it.
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