I thought it would be fun to post random musings about what shaving is to me/you/us. Philosophy, I suppose, but whatever works. I have been inspired by the numerous comments to the effect that shaving is meditative, and have begun to settle into that myself (even though I'm still a complete newbie).
I don't know if such a thread can support itself, but I thought this one worth repeating:
Shaving is like yoga for the face.
Since I've started wetshaving, I'm much more aware of the eccentricities of the shape of my face. I'm also more aware of when I am tensing my jaw and cheeks (which is where I've been holding my stress for a while). I think I've been grinding my teeth in my sleep less as well.
I had a similar epiphany when I started doing yoga years back (and stopped mostly).
It helped me to be more aware of things like tensing my shoulders and sitting with poor posture.
I don't know if such a thread can support itself, but I thought this one worth repeating:
Shaving is like yoga for the face.
Since I've started wetshaving, I'm much more aware of the eccentricities of the shape of my face. I'm also more aware of when I am tensing my jaw and cheeks (which is where I've been holding my stress for a while). I think I've been grinding my teeth in my sleep less as well.
I had a similar epiphany when I started doing yoga years back (and stopped mostly).