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Shaving Creams: Texture or scent

I love shave soaps, but when I really want a more luxurious shave, I reach for the shave creams. To me, they're much richer, thicker, and more scented. But truth be told, I love their texture more than the scent. It's like brushing with an almond, violet, or rose paste that fills my nostrils while enriching my face with spa-like cream that is thick and delicious.

The texture, to me, promotes a more rewarding shave experience, with a better glide and a closer shave.

Your thoughts?
I too like the texture of the lather from many creams, and the fact that they whip up a thick rich lather relatively easily and quickly. I also like that it's easy to make a little more if you need to. But I have been surprised at the quality of lather from many soaps, too. For example, I believe the lather from AoS soap is equally rich and thick as AoS cream.
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