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Shaving cream(s) with outstanding post shave moisturizing


Looking for recommendations on shave creams with outstanding post shave moisturizing properties, to the extent I can dispense with using an aftershave altogether.

I have been using Proraso for quite some time and love the post shave feeling on my face - however I got bored using this brand for many months and am looking for options, preferably something that smells good. Cost not an issue.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Any three of the Castle Forbes shave creams. I personally like the Lavender best followed by the Lime.


I’m not a fan
I pretty much only use Speick shave cream now after trying many including Musgo, Tabac, DR Harris, Erasmic, KMF. Speick cream leaves my face feeling moisturized and comfortable. Not that the others are bad, i still use them from time to time, Speick just works best for me.

lately I have been "super lathering"; Speick soap with a dab of their cream...heaven!
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Biotique Bio Palmyra is the best moisturizing cream that I have used so far.

Queen Charlottes creams do a great job of moisturizing as well.
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Another vote for Castle Forbes Lavender. And I would suggest a Razorock cream as well, I have some S. Maria Novella in the rotation and that's awesome too.
Looking for recommendations on shave creams with outstanding post shave moisturizing properties, to the extent I can dispense with using an aftershave altogether.

I don't think you can skip the balm if you have dry skin. Shaving creams are a kind of soap, after all. They always remove oils from the skin.

That being said, I think Speick (beeswax), Musgo (lanolin) or Nivea/Florena/Wilkinson (silicone) are relatively mild. In contrast, Palmolive dries my skin rather bad.
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