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Shaving angle on neck?

I'm sure it varies with every shaver. I hold mine as flat as possible to avoid irritation, and I shave with what seems like no pressure at all.
My ATG is from the outside of my neck to the middle so I'm still trying to figure out the best way to hold the razor, much less at what angle. Although, on my S-N pass the angle's about 5-10 deg.
I have the same problem as you so I skip atg all together. I just go 2 pass xtg then touch up the easy spots. I try to keep the blade as close to flat against my neck as possible.
Hard for me to estimate angle, but I know that if I do anything less than four unique passes, there will be stubble. I go with what is comfortable.
I had a problem with my neck for a long time. The hair growth on the bottom third is different from the top 2/3 in that it grows up not down. So when I stopped trying to shave top to bottom by default during the first pass (or ATG on the bottom third) and waited to do ATG on the bottom third on the second pass, my problem was rectified. Not a question of blade angle--a question of WTG leading to ATG in my case.
I had a problem with my neck for a long time. The hair growth on the bottom third is different from the top 2/3 in that it grows up not down. So when I stopped trying to shave top to bottom by default during the first pass (or ATG on the bottom third) and waited to do ATG on the bottom third on the second pass, my problem was rectified. Not a question of blade angle--a question of WTG leading to ATG in my case.

Same problem here. My neck is really weird; in the middle, the top 2/3 ATG is S-N while the bottom 1/3 is N-S. The sides ATG is out to in. It's really a PITA.
Don't know what degree but it is pretty flat. I have to go from the outside of my neck towards the middle to go true atg.
I used to keep the blade quite flat, but needed more passes to remove all the hair, and had unconfortable shaves there. So I started recently something completely new (to me): 90°, no pressure. It works like a charm. It sings like a harp.
Flatter (but not flat) angle, but more importantly for me is that here is where I do mostly slant strokes and scythe strokes etc. to tackle the whorls and swirls and whirls of funky growth patters. Blade angle per se is usually of lesser importance for me than the method of attack...
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