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Shaving and the Secret to Happiness

Did anyone else read this NY Times article today?


To sum it up, it describes a study that asked people to rate their happiness during different moments of their day, and describe how much their mind had wandered or how focused they were at the time. Not surprisingly, people reported being happiest while, um, expressing love physically, and least happy during their workday, commute, and, wait for it . . . personal grooming. The less happy moments, particularly while grooming, were when people reported that their mind was wandering the most. Those conducting the study concluded that focusing intently on something, such that your mind doesn't wander to negative thoughts, is important in staving off long-term unhappiness.

I think this idea goes a long way in explaining the appeal of our collective obsession here. Technology, in its unyeilding quest to make our lives better, has made a lot of daily tasks so easy that they are literally mindless. Shaving is certainly one of those tasks. Modern cartridge razors, blades, and brushless creams and gels are essentially foolproof. There is no skill involved, no learning curve. In that moment when you are thoughtlessly shaving and getting ready in the morning, your mind is free to wander, probably to how much you are NOT looking forward to commuting and working all day.

Alas, those of us who have seen the light deliberately chose a soap, brush, razor, and AS every morning, admiring the craftsmanship that went in to them, taking in the great scents, and carefully executing the shave. My mind does not wander during this time. I'm not denigrating progress, I think technology is a wonderful part of our humanity. I do think that there's an important distinction here between modern life becoming "better" and modern life becomeing "easier," and that the latter does not always imply the former.

Next time I catch myself feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I'll have to recall my inner-Mr. Miyagi. "Focus, Daniel-san."
There's something about sliding an incredibly sharp stainless steel blade across your throat that helps maintain your focus on the task at hand! :lol:
Interesting article.... I have experienced the results,(first hand) of not focusing when wielding a straight!
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