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shaving ajustement

i am a 1 month newbie shaver
my first kit is weishi razor derby blade and wilkinson brush with proraso soap
after a month my shaving is very well

i put an order at fendrihan and receive merkur 38c, edwin jagger bbb and use it with berby blade

the result i look like a first time ado shaver

now i downgrade with merkur blade and everything semms ok

but lot of attention to dont cut my face and

ps; i recommend www.fendrihan.com
fast service and bullet proof packaging i unwraped it like a gift


My elbows leak
Staff member
Glad to hear that you made some improvement. Razor blades are one thing that each person must work out on his own, seems like no two people have the same opinion of the same blade.
I suggest you try a sample pack of blades to find which ones work best for you, as everyone has different skin and hair type combinations.
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
Ask a lot of questions, the guys on this forum love to answer questions.
Once you find the razor you like best, then its trial and error until you find the blade that works best for you. Just take your time, work on your technique, and don't use any pressure when you shave. The weight of the razor is enough. Good luck. :biggrin: :w00t: :rolleyes: :tongue: :wink: :001_rolle
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