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Shavette And Barber Razor Enthusiast (SABRE) group


I shaved a fortune
Are you talking about brushes to try and draw our attention away from your new barber razor? Did you try a shave yet or are you still building up to it? Just do your cheeks, with the grain, and finish the shave with your safety razor. That will start to get you handling the razor, without risking any cuts. You will feel a little more confident each time you use it.

I must admit when I bought my first Feather Artist Club it sat unused for a month or more before I had the courage to go for a shave - was doing well enough that I thought I would go a bit further, then it dug into my face above the jawline and gave me a 2” cut. Wasn’t too bad - not deep, just a glorified scratch that bled a fair bit but fully healed in 3 or 4 days. The thing is, while I was healing I found my hand was automatically practicing the strokes and I was itching to have another go and do it better. It’s something that makes you feel you learn from each shave.

Anyway, brushes. I agree with Aaron, it’s very personal and hard to know what kind of knot you would prefer - stiff or floppy, soft or scrubby, gelled or natural, dense or not, large or small, fan or bulb. If you bowl lather then the knot makes less difference, but if you face lather then it does.

I haven’t tried a Morris & Forndran so I don’t know what the knots are like, but the handles (made by Brad Sears) are really beautiful. What do they go for? $200+? There are lots of good options in that range - I like Leonidam (Italian artistry, moderately gelled tips for a plush feel) , Saponificio Varesino (more natural, a bit of grandeur), Simpson (good all-rounders), Shavemac (easy to customise and good, solid knots - 2-band is pretty firm, 3-band is floppy). But there are plenty of other good alternatives.

The one shaving brush that I would recommend to everyone, and is considerably cheaper, is a Semogue SOC Mistura (50/50 badger and boar). About $70 or $80, I think. They have a very satisfying feel, pleasantly scrubby with tips that only get softer as the boar hairs break-in and split. Handle is very comfortable and good quality, but not as flashy as the M&F ones you are eyeing. It’s as satisfying as any brush and perhaps not a bad option to give you a benchmark without spending too much, and it is very likely to be a brush you will continue enjoying no matter where your preferences lead ultimately.
I've been reading the Mistura thread every day.....that does sound like an interesting option.

On the Woody front... I showed it to my barber today... we talked about it a bit. She used to teach at a cosmology school and that was one of the things she taught. She shaved my neck with her barber razor (Feather AC Professional blade).. felt very nice.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
I've been reading the Mistura thread every day.....that does sound like an interesting option.

On the Woody front... I showed it to my barber today... we talked about it a bit. She used to teach at a cosmology school and that was one of the things she taught. She shaved my neck with her barber razor (Feather AC Professional blade).. felt very nice.
It does feel nice. I assume you mean the back of your neck. You can do it yourself now any time you like.

Different ball game shaving the front of your neck with all the hollows and hair growing in different directions. But cheeks are also fairly flat and easy to shave, especially if you stretch the skin.


I shaved a fortune
It does feel nice. I assume you mean the back of your neck. You can do it yourself now any time you like.

Different ball game shaving the front of your neck with all the hollows and hair growing in different directions. But cheeks are also fairly flat and easy to shave, especially if you stretch the skin.
I'm summoning the nerve... I am going to do what you suggest... lather up and get used to the angles without a blade.

On the brush front.... I started conversations with AP Shaving Co and Rudy Vey about mixed hair knots. I looked up all the places that sell the Semogue Misturas. The handle color choices are pretty limited... sold out, in many cases.... the Taj, I can get.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I've been reading the Mistura thread every day.....that does sound like an interesting option.

On the Woody front... I showed it to my barber today... we talked about it a bit. She used to teach at a cosmology school and that was one of the things she taught. She shaved my neck with her barber razor (Feather AC Professional blade).. felt very nice.
Funny, to me anyway, I originally bought my first barber razor for shaving the back of my neck. There really isn't anything that can compare for self shaving. I worked out the mechanics and quickly realised that I needed the handle facing sideways and not down, I even worked out that it was going to be difficult maintain the correct angle with a down facing handle. I had no trouble for months shaving my neck with a mirror in one hand and the razor in the other. However, when I started on my face... different story. I just used my original half blade barber razor on my neck yesterday and still prefer it over my other options.

Edit: I am back going to be around this evening if you want to ask anything about brushes or where to buy them. Check out gentle shave Zenith Silvertip.


I shaved a fortune
Funny, to me anyway, I originally bought my first barber razor for shaving the back of my neck. There really isn't anything that can compare for self shaving. I worked out the mechanics and quickly realised that I needed the handle facing sideways and not down, I even worked out that it was going to be difficult maintain the correct angle with a down facing handle. I had no trouble for months shaving my neck with a mirror in one hand and the razor in the other. However, when I started on my face... different story. I just used my original half blade barber razor on my neck yesterday and still prefer it over my other options.

Edit: I am back going to be around this evening if you want to ask anything about brushes or where to buy them. Check out gentle shave Zenith Silvertip.
I just looked at Zenith.. their handle selection has been decimated, it looks like..... lots of sold out items... I'm talking to Andrew at AP Shave Co about a mixed hair brush at the moment.. something totally different. And I'm looking at the Semogues too, obviously. The only one readily available is the Taj.. everyone is out of the butterscotch unless I order from them directly on eBay.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I just looked at Zenith.. their handle selection has been decimated, it looks like..... lots of sold out items... I'm talking to Andrew at AP Shave Co about a mixed hair brush at the moment.. something totally different. And I'm looking at the Semogues too, obviously. The only one readily available is the Taj.. everyone is out of the butterscotch unless I order from them directly on eBay.
Did you check Portuguese factory?

Did it for you, Finest Badger butterscotch $76


I shaved a fortune
The Razor Company has some AP mixed in stock…
yeah.. I looked at them earlier... not a handle I'd choose... hence the discussion with Andrew... not sure what color goes best with a mixed knot... I was thinking of Lemon Drop or Amber... he's going to get back to me tomorrow with what's in stock for cutting at the moment. So... bulb or fan for a mixed knot?

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
yeah.. I looked at them earlier... not a handle I'd choose... hence the discussion with Andrew... not sure what color goes best with a mixed knot... I was thinking of Lemon Drop or Amber... he's going to get back to me tomorrow with what's in stock for cutting at the moment. So... bulb or fan for a mixed knot?
I always think fan is best for face lathering - better splay.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
I just looked at Zenith.. their handle selection has been decimated, it looks like..... lots of sold out items... I'm talking to Andrew at AP Shave Co about a mixed hair brush at the moment.. something totally different. And I'm looking at the Semogues too, obviously. The only one readily available is the Taj.. everyone is out of the butterscotch unless I order from them directly on eBay.
The taj handle is my favourite, but I have it in butterscotch and wood as well. Anyway, this is the sort of brush that you tend to get more than one of in the end.



I shaved a fortune
I am talking to Andrew at AP Shaving but I don't know about handle colors, etc.... it might be safer to just get a Semogue and be done with it... the Taj does look nice.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I am talking to Andrew at AP Shaving but I don't know about handle colors, etc.... it might be safer to just get a Semogue and be done with it... the Taj does look nice.
Have you looked at the 2040HD Super Badger @Pasteur, there are a couple other sizes too... The SOC Badger is only $20 more than the mixed also.

Whoops, the C5 Torga is the one that the knot is closest to what I have.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
I guess if I wanted to reduce my brush collection to the minimum number that would completely satisfy me, I would probably end up with three.

One would be either a Semogue Mistura, Shavemac 2-Band D01, or a Simpson Manchurian - about 24mm size - and that would be my scrubby, backboney brush that gives me a strong face feel.

A second would be a softer, plusher, bigger brush with a nice artisan handle - I like my Declaration Grooming, Leonidam or Oumo Tyrant or Silk knot brushes for this - 26mm or 28mm and lightly gelled tips.

And thirdly I would have a nice synthetic - I like the Blackland brushes best - 23mm size and grippy, nicely weighted aluminum handles.

For me those cover all bases and types of feel that I enjoy. There are other great brands and options for each type, but I think that’s how I would personally approach brush selection, based on what I use most and how I choose my brush for each shave and/or soap.
I started my barber razor journey with a Feather SS, and used it exclusively for a long time before adding a Kai Kasho and a Mythus, which is very similar but with more blade exposure. Finally, I added a Feather SR.

After several years of shaving with the SS and Kasho, I was accustomed to the little lip that makes it easier to shave without cutting yourself (but also requires a slightly steeper angle than a straight razor), so when I first got the SR, it took a few shaves to really get accustomed to it. I even got a couple of small weepers the first few shaves.

Just came on the thread to report that now, after months of using it in rotation with my other barber razors, I have begun reaching for it more and more frequently. This one is definitely closest to a real straight razor. My poor Feather SS, which I used exclusively for a long time, is getting lonely, as I keep reaching for either the SR or the Kai (or its clone) for shave after shave.

I don’t know whether I would recommend the SR as a first barber razor for somebody without any straight razor experience, but for the seasoned open blade shaver, I am now comfortable saying that adding it to your stable is worth the cost, as the shaving experience is definitely different enough (and perhaps better enough) to justify its cost. It’s also a beautifully made razor.

Anybody who is already shaving with barber razors and has been wondering about the SR, if I were you I would go ahead and add it to your cart. It may take a few shaves to really get the hang of it, but once you do, it is just an amazing piece of shaving kit.
I picked up my Feather SR on a Black Friday deal (with a great discount) from Jatai International and have enjoyed it. You may want to check out their site next Black Friday (which I think they start several weeks ahead of time) if you are still thinking about getting one (and have not already purchased one).
I started my barber razor journey with a Feather SS, and used it exclusively for a long time before adding a Kai Kasho and a Mythus, which is very similar but with more blade exposure. Finally, I added a Feather SR.

After several years of shaving with the SS and Kasho, I was accustomed to the little lip that makes it easier to shave without cutting yourself (but also requires a slightly steeper angle than a straight razor), so when I first got the SR, it took a few shaves to really get accustomed to it. I even got a couple of small weepers the first few shaves.

Just came on the thread to report that now, after months of using it in rotation with my other barber razors, I have begun reaching for it more and more frequently. This one is definitely closest to a real straight razor. My poor Feather SS, which I used exclusively for a long time, is getting lonely, as I keep reaching for either the SR or the Kai (or its clone) for shave after shave.

I don’t know whether I would recommend the SR as a first barber razor for somebody without any straight razor experience, but for the seasoned open blade shaver, I am now comfortable saying that adding it to your stable is worth the cost, as the shaving experience is definitely different enough (and perhaps better enough) to justify its cost. It’s also a beautifully made razor.

Anybody who is already shaving with barber razors and has been wondering about the SR, if I were you I would go ahead and add it to your cart. It may take a few shaves to really get the hang of it, but once you do, it is just an amazing piece of shaving kit.
Interesting feedback. What is your preferred blade in SR?
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