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Shavette And Barber Razor Enthusiast (SABRE) group


I shaved a fortune
Try a Kai Mild in your Claymore. I really think you will like it based on what you say.

They are also prone to having one to two misaligned blades per pack. I still use them, 3 times and that's it. They tug after that in a shavette. The Kai Pink are the same, but they start off smoother and less sharp. They could go 6-8 shaves for people with less difficult beards. I always hate binning them. I told you the blades will behave different in a shavette...
Ok.. I just had a brilliant shave with a Kai Mild in my Claymore Evo... every smooth. It's hard to remember the first shave with the Schick Proline, but I suspect they are similar. I remember thinking I'm going to like this P-30... but then that third shave was a struggle. I'll run the Kai until it dies.

Even though the Feather ProGuards are not necessary in a SE razor, I get 6 comfortable shaves from them.. and the first few are even closer than either the Schick or the Kai.

Yeah, I figure I'll have to redo all the testing in a barber razor...not the same set-up. But I'll get advice here before I start.
Thought I’d post a pic of my AC ‘shavettes’ since I’ve been using them a lot lately and acquired a few more beyond the Feathers that I started with.

I just find that I really like this way of shaving and the feel of holding a straight razor. They’re not quite as gentle on the skin as a traditional straight, but they give me most of the pleasure with none of the laborious maintenance (not that maintaining a traditional straight is not worth the time, but rather that I don’t always have the time to do it).

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Very well put
I don't know how many shaves with a shavette i have done before going to other blade formats two or three years ago. Maybe 30 - 40 in total.

Now, after 5 shaves with the Kai clone, I was able to get a shave very similar to my De. I am finding that I like to use the razor in a kamisori style. Maybe a reason to get one razor in that shape. :D

Issues ?
I am not good enough still with my left hand on the left side where I always remove more skin than necessary.

Also I needed about 40 minutes time. I could have it done in 10 minutes max in my preferred De razor.

Thanks for reading my shavette journey.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
There are some nice kamisori barber razors. I wouldn't worry about the time it takes. If you are in a hurry, you are better off juggling swords than trying to shave with an open blade razor. It still takes me about the same amount of time, I can straight shave faster due to the extra blade length and less intense edge.
I still have a couple more AC style blades in my collection to try out that I picked up from TryABlade.com. I thought it would be wise for me to try a blade/razor combination that I know works so I can get acclimated to that style of shaving again (since it has been a while since I last used a barber razor) so I could accurately rate the other blades. For me, my current go to setup is the Feather Artist Club SR Kamisori razor with the Feather ProGuard blade.

I ran into razor burn with this setup which I am sure was due to my rustiness and poor blade angle. I also had a time trying to get my chin smooth and did multiple touch up passes but there was some stubble I could not get rid of. I finally pulled out an injector razor to make my chin smooth. Maybe the guards were preventing the whiskers from cutting even though I shaved from four directions and still had no luck. Maybe I need to stick to blades without guards for my chin.
I got my artist club blades this week so it was time to remove my Schick p20 injector blade from Kai clone razor. Let me say that an Injector blade works great in this razor.

I tried KAI - CAPTAIN TITAN PRO Touch blade. Just two words. Amazing shave. I got a perfect two pass shave DFS in about 20 minutes. No nicks or weepers. Just as good as with a De or Se razor.

This blade is fantastic and let's see how many shaves can I get out of it.
One other comment. The injector blade had some brown stain. I removed the clone razor and they were inside it too. They were easily removed. I am afraid my bathroom is very humid. Any idea?


I shaved a fortune
I was a bit apprehensive about loading a blade in my Kai Kasho Woody but it turns out, it was a simple procedure. You don't know until you try but I was fearful the blade would float in the opening and I'd have to fuss around to get it seated properly.

Well, it slid into place without fanfare. Now, I summon the courage to actually shave with it. <eg>

Kai Woody.jpg

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
I was a bit apprehensive about loading a blade in my Kai Kasho Woody but it turns out, it was a simple procedure. You don't know until you try but I was fearful the blade would float in the opening and I'd have to fuss around to get it seated properly.

Well, it slid into place without fanfare. Now, I summon the courage to actually shave with it. <eg>

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Good luck, man. Take a brave pill and enjoy the part of the shave that precedes the bleeding. Then, while you are healing, you will be itching to have another go and devising ways to do it better.

I think first time straight razor users often struggle with orienting the razor when looking in the mirror. I’m not necessarily advising you to wear a blindfold and trust in the force, but neither do I think this is as reckless as you might think. My lawyer says I worded that vaguely enough that you can’t sue me.

Definitely a good idea to take the blade out and do some play-shaving with just the holder. Helps you get a feel for things and establish your plan of attack - how you’re going to hold the razor for shaving different areas, and which hand you will hold it in.

Have fun. I really think you will find this fun. And have some kitchen towel handy for the blood.


I shaved a fortune
Good luck, man. Take a brave pill and enjoy the part of the shave that precedes the bleeding. Then, while you are healing, you will be itching to have another go and devising ways to do it better.

I think first time straight razor users often struggle with orienting the razor when looking in the mirror. I’m not necessarily advising you to wear a blindfold and trust in the force, but neither do I think this is as reckless as you might think. My lawyer says I worded that vaguely enough that you can’t sue me.

Definitely a good idea to take the blade out and do some play-shaving with just the holder. Helps you get a feel for things and establish your plan of attack - how you’re going to hold the razor for shaving different areas, and which hand you will hold it in.

Have fun. I really think you will find this fun. And have some kitchen towel handy for the blood.
I need to buy some deep red towels so I can't see the damage. ;)
One other comment. The injector blade had some brown stain. I removed the clone razor and they were inside it too. They were easily removed. I am afraid my bathroom is very humid. Any idea?
Did you leave the blade in the razor after your shave?
I always remove the blade after shaving and rinse the blade and the razor separately and dry both for storage.
I have a long, plastic encased magnet that I keep in my medicine cabinet and stick my current DE/AC/injector blades to the magnet to finish drying/for storage.


I shaved a fortune
This seems like a good thread to ask this question since I trust so many of you to give sound advice.

If I were going to buy one, outstanding badger brush, what would you suggest? Price isn't a huge consideration, meaning, I'd rather buy once and be satisfied so I am not going to be searching for something better.

For instance, there is a Morris & Forndran: 'Chalice' 28mm Finest in Briarwood brush in BST at the moment... that price doesn't scare me but I know next to nothing about that company. I did find the site that will take your order for one.

Anyway, I'd appreciate your suggestions.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
This seems like a good thread to ask this question since I trust so many of you to give sound advice.

If I were going to buy one, outstanding badger brush, what would you suggest? Price isn't a huge consideration, meaning, I'd rather buy once and be satisfied so I am not going to be searching for something better.

For instance, there is a Morris & Forndran: 'Chalice' 28mm Finest in Briarwood brush in BST at the moment... that price doesn't scare me but I know next to nothing about that company. I did find the site that will take your order for one.

Anyway, I'd appreciate your suggestions.
The problem with ordering any ONE brush is you need to know your preferences very specifically. Bulb or fan, size, etc. There are some very good badgers in the $100 give or take range and my advise is to pick something that appeals to you, with no real expectation that you are going to keep it. It's hard to compare the possible options with synthetics because they are frequently one shape, take it or leave it. I could say more, but I am kind of busy right now... 🥵


I shaved a fortune
The problem with ordering any ONE brush is you need to know your preferences very specifically. Bulb or fan, size, etc. There are some very good badgers in the $100 give or take range and my advise is to pick something that appeals to you, with no real expectation that you are going to keep it. It's hard to compare the possible options with synthetics because they are frequently one shape, take it or leave it. I could say more, but I am kind of busy right now... 🥵
LOL... no problem... I might end up just foregoing badger brushes anyway... I have 4 Synths that I really like. It appears to me that many badger users seek out synths that are close to their favorite badger... it might be difficult to go the other direction. Talk to you when you get the stuff you are seeking out.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
This seems like a good thread to ask this question since I trust so many of you to give sound advice.

If I were going to buy one, outstanding badger brush, what would you suggest? Price isn't a huge consideration, meaning, I'd rather buy once and be satisfied so I am not going to be searching for something better.

For instance, there is a Morris & Forndran: 'Chalice' 28mm Finest in Briarwood brush in BST at the moment... that price doesn't scare me but I know next to nothing about that company. I did find the site that will take your order for one.

Anyway, I'd appreciate your suggestions.
Are you talking about brushes to try and draw our attention away from your new barber razor? Did you try a shave yet or are you still building up to it? Just do your cheeks, with the grain, and finish the shave with your safety razor. That will start to get you handling the razor, without risking any cuts. You will feel a little more confident each time you use it.

I must admit when I bought my first Feather Artist Club it sat unused for a month or more before I had the courage to go for a shave - was doing well enough that I thought I would go a bit further, then it dug into my face above the jawline and gave me a 2” cut. Wasn’t too bad - not deep, just a glorified scratch that bled a fair bit but fully healed in 3 or 4 days. The thing is, while I was healing I found my hand was automatically practicing the strokes and I was itching to have another go and do it better. It’s something that makes you feel you learn from each shave. The main thing I learned from this first shave was to use a guarded blade instead.

Anyway, brushes. I agree with Aaron, it’s very personal and hard to know what kind of knot you would prefer - stiff or floppy, soft or scrubby, gelled or natural, dense or not, large or small, fan or bulb. If you bowl lather then the knot makes less difference, but if you face lather then it does.

I haven’t tried a Morris & Forndran so I don’t know what the knots are like, but the handles (made by Brad Sears) are really beautiful. What do they go for? $200+? There are lots of good options in that range - I like Leonidam (Italian artistry, moderately gelled tips for a plush feel) , Saponificio Varesino (more natural, a bit of grandeur), Simpson (good all-rounders), Shavemac (easy to customise and good, solid knots - 2-band is pretty firm, 3-band is looser). But there are plenty of other good alternatives.

The one shaving brush that I would recommend to everyone, and is considerably cheaper, is a Semogue SOC Mistura (50/50 badger and boar). About $70 or $80, I think. They have a very satisfying feel, pleasantly scrubby with tips that only get softer as the boar hairs break-in and split. Handle is very comfortable and good quality, but not as flashy as the M&F ones you are eyeing. It’s as satisfying as any brush and perhaps not a bad option to give you a benchmark without spending too much, and it is very likely to be a brush you will continue enjoying no matter where your preferences lead ultimately.
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