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Shaved with 1907 Single Ring

Today was my first day of shaving with this razor. It was also my first day using a Mama Bear's soap, Lilac Ice. I have to say that it was amazing.

There is something about using a piece of hardware that is 103 years old. Who bought it originally, how much did they pay, did they like it, how long did they own it, was it a gift, who else owned it over the years or did it just sit in a drawer until someone decided to sell it...

All these questions that will have to remain a mystery.

Some Trivia:
A gallon of milk cost 31 cents.
Sugar cost only 4 cents a pound.
A loaf of bread cost 5 cents.
Two dozen eggs cost 40 cents.
A chocolate bar cost 5 cents.
A car cost $500, but very few people had cars.
A house cost $4,500.
Less than 10% of buildings used electricity
Theodore Roosevelt was President of the United States
The first electric vacuum was invented in 1907.
The average household made under $900 in a year.
The average worker was paid 22 cents per hour.
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