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Shave Secret

Came across a product called Shave Secret. Found it at Walmart. I guess I would consider it a pre-shave oil, though it claims you don't even need to add shaving cream, just apply Shave Secret, then shave. I applied it on a wet face, then painted on my shave cream. I was quite impressed! Usually I'll get a couple nicks, which is normal. But with Shave Secret and the cream, I'm usually nick free. It has menthol in it, so it has a nice cooling sensation. It comes in a very small bottle, but I only use 3 or 4 drops per shave. If you never tried it, give it whirl, it costs less than $4. Happy shaving!
I use it in a pinch because it is cheap and available (Walmart, Target, etc). I did not realize it had menthol, but that makes sense as it is my least favorite preshave oil and I typically avoid menthol. Still it is better than no preshave for me. For the price, it is a good performer. I'd just prefer something a little slicker.
I have used it. I would not say it is a bad product. I tried it the way the packaging instructed. I did not like the results. I tried it after the hot towel method and it helped a bit. It only worked if I used alot of it. It is okay stuff.
I have an unopened bottle. I bought it as a "just in case." I've used a similar product before. I'm just a bit concerned with using oil on my face because it may clog the pores. (?)
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