greenerock said:MamaBear,
Could you use a handmade soap to shampoo your hair too or would regular shampoo be better?
Greenrock, I have to say that I have been thinking about this since yesterday.. I have HAD to take care of my hair because untill last week, it was one length and down past my waist. (during that heatwave last week I finally broke down and cut about half of it off...) but it is still long. Probably too long for a fat 47 year old woman, but I like it.
I have been using commercial shampoos and conditioners, expensive ones but still feel the need to do some further work to it and LOVE to do a weekly or biweekly mayonnaise pack on it. I just slather it on straight out of the fridge and let it sit for 20 minutes before bathing... once I bath in it, my skin feels awesome too! Rincing in stale beer or vinegar is awesome too.
BUT, I also have psorriasis... and this is kept at bay using Nizoral.. the prescription version... the stuff over the counter isn't strong enough to help me. So now I am wondering if I am conteracting chemicals with chemicals! Horrors! Does anyone have suggestions here??
Bear Hugs!
Sue (Mama Bear)