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Semogue SOC Badger Opinions

Thinking this would be a nice complement to my Simpson's Duke 3 in best and SOC Boar. Anyone care to chime in on their thoughts on the SOC Badger (two band)?
They're very nice. For some reason, both Ash brushes I have perform better than those I have in the Cherry handles. Could just be lightning striking twice, though.
One of the best brushes I've ever used (and that includes brushes that cost a whole lot more). Good for face & bowl lathering with soaps & creams.
I have only used my SOC 2-band a few times but it is a very nice brush with great backbone, medium-high density and just a touch of scritch. It is actually a breath of fresh air compared to all the uber-soft brushes that seem to have taken over in popularity as I enjoy a little scritch on occasion.
I highly recommend the two band SOC. It has tons of backbone, a nice handle, and a nice amount of scritch. However, if you like badger bushes that are cloud-like soft, you won't like the SOC. It will most likely have more scritch than your Duke 3, but it will also have more backbone.
Thanks! I have the SOC Boar in cherry and was thinking of the SOC badger with cherry as well. At least until I read Gingerbread's comment.
Great brush! The price-quality ratio is one of the best out there. Much better than the SOC boar too, at least in my experience.
Thanks! I have the SOC Boar in cherry and was thinking of the SOC badger with cherry as well. At least until I read Gingerbread's comment.

I like the SOC boar in cherry and the two band in ash. The darker hair on the two band looks better with the lighter colored wood to me.
Thanks! I have the SOC Boar in cherry and was thinking of the SOC badger with cherry as well. At least until I read Gingerbread's comment.

As with any animal product, each hair (and therefore batch of hair) will vary. The cherries I got just have more scritch than my ashes - both the boar and 2-bands.
I highly recommend the two band SOC. It has tons of backbone, a nice handle, and a nice amount of scritch. However, if you like badger bushes that are cloud-like soft, you won't like the SOC. It will most likely have more scritch than your Duke 3, but it will also have more backbone.

This is a perfect summation of this brush.
I like mine a lot. It is very different than my Whipped Dog silver tip. I enjoy the contrast. I have the cherry handle, only because I prefer the darker color.

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