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Semogue Owner's Club Boar. is this normal?

After using my SOC boar for the first time today I noticed the outer hairs are splayed a lot... and they seem to be staying that way as it dries. Is this a normal occurrence for this brush or should I be looking into exchanging it?

As for how it went... well it wasn't as good of a latherer as my badger brushes, but I think that's because it was my first time using it AND I was using it on some Mama Bear Spicey Lime, a soap which I haven't yet been able to get to work for me. I will keep at it, though, and see how it is when it's broken in and with different soaps.


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perfectly normal. can take up to 30 cycle (wet/dry) to fully break in and be soft so the ends are all split.

no worries with the crazy hair based on your description, but a pic will help.

it get's crazier then this after use, but as you can see, mine has some stray hairs too

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My B+B boar did the same thing, but it's normal...more and more hairs will spread out to join the stragglers as the brush gets used..
This is mine after drying for a few hours. Based on what you said I guess it's normal, then?
Alright. It's my first boar so I wasn't sure. Although now I do supposedly have a 1305 coming my way as well.
I need to start getting rid of some of my extra kit...


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to break them in, what i do with boars is test lather them every night with a soap/cream you don't like, rinse and dry. then repeat the next night. making sure it's fully dry before using again.

you want the tips to start splitting, and believe it's done thru the wet/dry cycles. they take a while, some more then other.
to break them in, what i do with boars is test lather them every night with a soap/cream you don't like, rinse and dry. then repeat the next night. making sure it's fully dry before using again.

you want the tips to start splitting, and believe it's done thru the wet/dry cycles. they take a while, some more then other.
Great tips guys:thumbup1:
What I like to do to break in a brush quickly, is lather in dish soap, rinse, soak in soapy water overnight, rinse, then the best secret is to load it and lightly lather, let that sit for @8ish hours, then wash it out. My brushes are a dream after that!


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What I like to do to break in a brush quickly, is lather in dish soap, rinse, soak in soapy water overnight, rinse, then the best secret is to load it and lightly lather, let that sit for @8ish hours, then wash it out. My brushes are a dream after that!

never heard of that one.

i'm all for breaking in brushes, but wouldn't soak my brush overnight. but maybe that's just me.
What I like to do to break in a brush quickly, is lather in dish soap, rinse, soak in soapy water overnight, rinse, then the best secret is to load it and lightly lather, let that sit for @8ish hours, then wash it out. My brushes are a dream after that!

Be careful... http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/248708 this is the warning from the brush break in wiki.
It makes complete sense considering the material. I wouldn't want to ruin a new brush that way.
Just to add to the consensus, my SOC boar did exactly the same. And it also does take quite a while to break in - mine was greatly improved after about 20 or 30 uses, but even long after that it is still getting better with more use.
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