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Semogue Knot

I just thought I'd post a picture of a 1460 knot I split out of the stock handle. I have never seen a picture posted, but have heard it asked here, and wondered myself what it would take to extract a Semogue knot. It was pretty simple really, and the aluminum cup profile that Semogue uses really locks it into the epoxy. I recently did the same to a Omega, so I wasn't too worried, and actually wasn't as careful. I sanded the paint off the bottom so that I could see which way the grain was running, and then using a sharp chisel with a mallet, I split it with the grain. Viola! Ready for transplant.


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Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Yup, that's the way they look!! I have transferred a number of these. As soon as one sees a "metal" ring on top of a handle, its definitely the crimped top of a metal cup the hair is set in. Here is a knot (I think from a 1800) I set in a resin handle style 1305.
I've always said, "The only thing better than a 1305 would be an acrylic handled 1305". Love the green and white combo. One day I'll get one from you Rudy......one day.
Nothing like a chisel and a mallet to get business done! :001_smile

Interesting photo. I now know why my Semogues are built like tanks. Would it be safe to assume then that the Omega boars are glued into a plastic cup?
Boy, it sure would be nice to order their knots without tearing up a perfectly good piece of wood.

It's just a piece of wood, (Beech I believe?) and they are such affordable and available brushes. You're buying a top notch knot in a pretty mediocre handle, imo.
yes thanks, some things are left unseen , and seeing it brings us to knowing, knowing brings us to wanting and wanting brings us to spending more money, Oh man , the One thing i dont have, i need a lathe-----------i have prolonged for so long, thats acrylic 1305 is sweet
Would it be safe to assume then that the Omega boars are glued into a plastic cup?

I am trying to remember...I believe the Omega was just a plastic collar/ring. No cup. I am about 85% sure of this. Perhaps someone else can verify?
I am trying to remember...I believe the Omega was just a plastic collar/ring. No cup. I am about 85% sure of this. Perhaps someone else can verify?

Here are two Omega knots from the Golden Nib:



I'm a big Semogue fan for the classic wood handles loving the ergonomics and the aesthetic beauty of the handles. But you can't argue with the lathering ability of Omega boars either.
Thanks for the verify redrako. It's all coming back to me now. I stand corrected.

Don't get me wrong. I am a woodworker by trade, and respect the qualities and beauties of wood. As a result, I just feel that wood and moisture are arch enemies. Un-stabilized wood has no place in the bathroom. That said, I love my Semogues, and my Omegas. I also love the vintage handles. Seems like a no-brainer to me. Transplant 'em.

-me stepping off my high horse- I have a 1305 that I have used in my rotation for over a year, and the stock wood handle is like the day I bought it. Semogue knows what they are doing. Also, I was lazy when went to sand the paint off this handle, and decided to do it with a 40 grit sanding block, rather than dig out and plug in the belt sander. 40 is pretty aggressive, but it was no easy task. It was thick paint, and high quality paint (Portugal must not have an EPA). And, it was like a jaw-breaker. After getting through the black, I hit red, and after elbowing through the red I hit white before FINALLY getting down to the wood.
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Don't get me wrong. I am a woodworker by trade, and respect the qualities and beauties of wood. As a result, I just feel that wood and moisture are arch enemies. Un-stabilized wood has no place in the bathroom.

Amen to that brother. I am a woodworking hobbyist, and have the same stigma. I would be really curious to turn a handle from something like an Ipe, or Lignum Vitae:

From Wikipedia:

The belaying pins and deadeyes aboard the USS Constitution and many other sailing ships were made from lignum vitae. Due to its density and natural oils, they rarely require replacement, despite the severity of typical marine weathering conditions.

If I'd have known that I would have gone to the Constitution and snagged a piece. How cool would it be to say you have a handle turned from old ironsides?
Thanks for the compliments. I have a few handles that this knot could have ended up in, but the Rubberset 6-50 stood out.

I used this brush (face lathered) for the first time last night, and WOW! It is hard to imagine it will get better as it breaks in. Semogue is in a class of their own.
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