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self slurrying coticules

i hadn't has a self-slurrying coticule until this week. picked up a la dressante/la dressante au bleu (on back) and went to hone a eskilstuna and the LDAB was slurrying like crazy. my experience so far has been with a la nouvelle veinette and la grise and some unknowns, but the la nouvelle is super hard and barely releases slurry. what a different feel.
Interesting. My La Dressante auto-slurries a little bit too. Lately though I have been finishing on misty slurry anyway, so it's tough to tell whether the other stones I have are doing it or not...
Ahhh, so you're the one who bought that rough-cut chunk of Coti I've been looking at for the last 9 months or so.
Very cool bit of stone.... I kept trying to justify it and never got to actually talk myself into it.
I hope it serves you well - it's gorgeous, and I'm sure that when you figure it out it'll be awsome for you.
Reminded me of a giant Coticule Nagura or something.....very intriguing.
Ahhh, so you're the one who bought that rough-cut chunk of Coti I've been looking at for the last 9 months or so.
Very cool bit of stone.... I kept trying to justify it and never got to actually talk myself into it.
I hope it serves you well - it's gorgeous, and I'm sure that when you figure it out it'll be awsome for you.
Reminded me of a giant Coticule Nagura or something.....very intriguing.

thanks..haha.. i picked up 2 of the same size last week or so… the la dressante/ ld au bleu chunk is pretty cool and "inexpensive" to me. i don't think i really need any 8x3's of anything, the san size and smaller seem to be comfortable for me, especially with a rolling stroke..

it seems that you and i have similar tastes in stones. another recent type of stone you said you used for bevels, i happened to have just looked at beofre you mentioned it use..

to tell you the truth, i have been honing a lot more recently than ever in the past 30 months, it makes me think i need a theme song a la LMFAO Party Rock…

"Everyday I'm Beveling!"


i know everyone just loves comic sans!! :001_tongu

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