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SE confusion ...

So ...

A couple weeks ago I ended up with an SE out of a an ebay lot, an Ever-ready 1914, and I wanted to try it out. I picked up some SE blades in the shaving aisle of my local supermarket (labeled for shaving), came home, and loaded it up--or so I thought, anyway.

The blade sits way loose--the side clips don't even hook over the blade (because of the gaps on the side). There's so much play I wouldn't bring it near my face, and yet I see nothing which might act as a brace or fastener for the back end.

What am I missing here?
Can't get any decent pics at the moment--I'm on the wrong computer--but I was wondering if I was making some sort of obvious mistake.
Lets see if this helps. Thanks to pabloh for the picture! There are two arms at the sides, these are to hold the blade down. There should be two stops at the front for the blade to rest against. Inside the lid is the spring, when the lid is closed this spring pushes on the spine of the blade keeping against the aforementioned stops. Unless the lid is closed the blade will be able to move around. If there is too much play in the sides you could very carefully pinch these down to help hold the blade down, just be very careful. If the lid is closed and there is still play, you may be able to bend the ears on the spring toward the front of the head. This would apply added pressure to the spine and should hold the blade firmly in place. I hope this helps! :biggrin1:
Thanks ...

Part of the issue, I think, is that the tabs on the side don't clip over the blade, because the blade itself has these sort of indents on the side.

I'll give that back spring a second look ...
OK ... I bent the back springs toward the head, and it's much tighter.

I'll give it a try, and see how much face I have left this evening :001_unsur.
Go lightly, take your time, it will take some time to get the hang of the SE's. I had taken some time off from SE's, and it has taken me a few shaves to get back in the swing of things! Good luck, let us know how it goes and post some pics when you can! :biggrin1:
The side-to-side constraint in this razor isn't positive or important once the lid had been closed. Just make sure that both ends of the cutting edge are against the stops and you should be o.k., assuming that the blade isn't loose with the lid closed.

One of my favorite razors, by the way.

- Chris

I just tried it ... and wow!

It seemed like a horrible idea, really: shaving with a sharp blade held a whisper from my face by a 90-some-year-old frame that I had to "adjust" with a pair of pliers.

When I started in, I was put off first by the sound (loud, eh?) and then by the feel (it pulled a bit, especially XTG/ATG). I would have put it down, but I realized ... no blood! A DE that sounded/felt like that would've put me in the hospital, but this came out clear and smooth.

I did a full four passes, with touch-ups, and it turned out to be one of my best shaves ever--not much burn, and hardly any blood, even on the neck. The AS splash still made me sing, but no more than normal.

I am impressed.

Thanks all for the advice and encouragement.

Happy Holidays!
Fantastic...you have now entered the dark side... I love my SE's so much my DE's are gathering Dust !!!!!... Next stop for you will be a str8
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