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Scuttle owners: have you tried this??

I was wondering if anyone has thought of remolding soap into a scuttle? and mixing the lather right in there? I'm getting my first tub of soap in a couple days (Mama Bear's Awakening mentholated soap :thumbup: ) and was brainstorming today....:001_unsur
I was wondering if anyone has thought of remolding soap into a scuttle? and mixing the lather right in there? I'm getting my first tub of soap in a couple days (Mama Bear's Awakening mentholated soap :thumbup: ) and was brainstorming today....:001_unsur

I have a Schwarzweisskeramik scuttle and I don't think it would be a good idea:

1. The cake of soap in the bottom of the scuttle would insulate the lather from the heat of the water inside.

2. The cake of soap would cover the ridges on the bottom that I use for making lather.

I think scuttles work best with the soap in a separate container.
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