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Schick Injector Question

I have an E3 and wondered if the razor has to have a blade in it at all times? Is it possible to take an old blade out and not put another blade in until you are ready to use the razor again? Thanks
Just inject the next blade far enough to push out your current blade and grab the end with some needle-nose pliers to safely remove it from the Razor, carefully push the other blade back into the injector cartridge with a small screw driver. I use several Injectors and when I rotate my Razor, I'll store my Injector Razor without a blade.
I always keep an empty injector cartridge around for this precise purpose. Before I had an empty one I would use a chopstick to slightly open the razor head and then work the old blade out.
I've been using various injectors this week and take the blade out after each use using the exact procedure mftoms59 explained. It's a simple procedure to reload the blade back into the dispenser and put it in a different razor. Of course, it's really simple with the E Types that can be opened.
I usually remove the blade from my N-type, but have had one in there for several weeks now as I'm bouncing back and forth between injectors and blades. Don't know if the spring under tension has a time limit or not.
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