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Sandalwood guidance.....

I'm curious if any sandalwood lovers out there have had the same reactions as me. At my work, I had a guy walk into my office area and say, "It smells like a head shop in here", then I asked him if it were my cologne and he said yes. This happened with Arden Sandalwood.

Today, another different dude came in when I was wearing Taylor of Bond Street Sandalwood, and he said, "I smell a head shop". Again, I offered my arm to ask if it were the cologne, another yes.

Now, I don't frequent any head shops, I guess my younger co-workers do or have at some point in their past, however I thought and still do that these Sandalwood's are a more sophisticated gentlemenly scent.

Are many people out there thinking when they smell sandalwoods "Weed shop"?..............I figured once, ehhh, but twice with different people has me scratching my head here.....different sandalwoods too.
I'm curious if any sandalwood lovers out there have had the same reactions as me. At my work, I had a guy walk into my office area and say, "It smells like a head shop in here", then I asked him if it were my cologne and he said yes. This happened with Arden Sandalwood.

Today, another different dude came in when I was wearing Taylor of Bond Street Sandalwood, and he said, "I smell a head shop". Again, I offered my arm to ask if it were the cologne, another yes.

Now, I don't frequent any head shops, I guess my younger co-workers do or have at some point in their past, however I thought and still do that these Sandalwood's are a more sophisticated gentlemenly scent.

Are many people out there thinking when they smell sandalwoods "Weed shop"?..............I figured once, ehhh, but twice with different people has me scratching my head here.....different sandalwoods too.

I've frequented many head shops in my day. :001_rolle That tidbit notwithstanding, I too am a huge lover of sandalwood fragrances (which gets to be a mighty expensive habit, btw. But I digress.).

I remember last summer, a female friend of mine was interested in smelling some of my shaving soaps. I was showing her some of my faves & I happened to have a QED sandalwood shaving stick handy. Though it's not a cologne, Charles (QED's owner & soapmaker) uses only EOs to scent his soaps, and he doesn't skimp on the amount. The scent of this soap is a strong, clear, very present & very true sandalwood.

She wrinkled her nose, shook her head & said, "smells like an Indian headshop." Which left me scratching my head. So. You're not alone.

Look at it this way. I've seen Blenheim Bouquet described on this board as being akin to Pine-Sol. And my wife says that L'Occitane's Cade splash smells like Ajax to her.

Go figure.
I'm curious if any sandalwood lovers out there have had the same reactions as me. At my work, I had a guy walk into my office area and say, "It smells like a head shop in here", then I asked him if it were my cologne and he said yes. This happened with Arden Sandalwood.

That's crazy! I walked into a head shop today and the guy at the counter looked up from organizing the classic "Freak Brothers" comic display, wrinkled his nose and said, "Dude--Arden Sandalwood! That stuff is sick!"
thanks for the responses.....I like the scents, so it doesn't really matter I suppose...you guys are right.

I guess head shops must smell really good, to me at least.
I really don't the "head shop" comment to be honest. But, people have said that C&S 88 smells like dial soap. People's noses aren't quite as good as you would think some times. However, most Sandalwood scents are nice and not real Sandalwood. Taylor's is a pretty heavy one at that which may be why you are getting those reactions. Have you tried Tam Dao? That is as pure and bright of a Sandalwood as you will get. I am asking for it for my birthday. I would say you could even get away with it in hot weather.
I really don't the "head shop" comment to be honest. But, people have said that C&S 88 smells like dial soap.

To me #88 smells more like a head shop. Or more like head shop incense, actually. Or more precisely yet, Spencer's Gifts from the '70s. (Anyone remember that place?)

Have you tried Tam Dao? That is as pure and bright of a Sandalwood as you will get.

I love Tam Dao, and there's definitely sandalwood in it. But to my nose it's more of a cedar scent than a sandalwood one. Great stuff, regardless. :thumbup1:
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